WACOPS Legislative Update – Week 4   2/6/2015

WACOPS Legislative Update – Week 4 2/6/2015

WACOPS Legislative Update 

February 6th, 2015

Week 4

Week 4 of the legislative session is coming to a close in Olympia. This week’s legislative update will give you an update on the WACOPS priority legislative agenda. The agenda was developed by the membership and distributed to all members at the beginning of the session. The bills that are on that agenda are the top priority of WACOPS and it informs our work as we lobby for legislation. 

There are several other bills that WACOPS supports and opposes and we are testifying and making our position known on those bills too. A complete list of bills, with our position, is attached on the bill report sheet. 
As you become aware of other issues that affect our statewide membership, please contact us so we can add them to the list. Remember, if members of your guild are coming to Olympia to testify on specific legislation, we are happy to accompany them and walk them through the testifying process. 
Below you will find a status update of your priorities through week.

Priority Agenda Update

  • Maintain the pension contribution rates adopted by the LEOFF 2 Board and uphold the authority of the LEOFF board to set actuarial assumptions and contribution rates for the plan.
  • The Local Government Public Safety Enhancement Account was established in 2009 to provide revenue to the LEOFF pension system and local government public safety. The Legislature should renew its commitment to this effort.
Update: These are items that will be include in the budget. Both are currently included in the Governor’s proposed budget: HB 1106 and SB 5077.

CRIMINAL JUSTICE                                                                             

  • Restore liquor revenue distribution to local governments for public safety and designate a portion of the new marijuana tax for local public safety efforts. 
Update: This will be a budget item. The policy bills we are tracking are HB 1517 and HB 1165.
  • Curb internet crimes against children by passing Alicia’s Law.
Update: There are policy bills in both the House and Senate and both have received hearings. HB 1281 is scheduled to be voted out of committee on Friday. These bills have fiscal notes so will go to the fiscal committees next. SB 5215 is the Senate version of the bill. 
  • Authorize law enforcement officers to make an arrest without a warrant in cases where an offender is in violation of a condition of supervision under the Department of Corrections.
.Update: SB 5783 was introduced on Monday. We are working on getting a committee hearing scheduled


WORKPLACE ISSUES                                                                         

  • Fully fund the Criminal Justice Training Commission &
  • Fund additional BLEA classes to reduce class backload
Update: These are currently both currently budget items.
  • Restoration of the condemned dormitory at the Burien CJTC campus.
Update: Funding for this item will be in the Capital Budget in 
  • Ensure law enforcement officers are entitled to the same due process as civilians. At this time there are no adverse bills filed on this issue.
  • Require employers to have just cause to discipline employees and not rely on Brady Lists as disciplinary tools.
Update: HB 1512 had a hearing in the House Labor Committee and is scheduled to be voted out of committee on Monday. We are working to get a hearing scheduled on the Senate companion bill, SB 5589.

 Bill Report

Click here for the bill report. It shows the issues we are tracking so far this legislative session.We appreciate your input and welcome suggestions. Please feel free to contact us with questions or comments. We work for you and the greater input we get, the better we can represent you. 



Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to testify on a bill, please contact us at 1-800-887-2677 or using the information below. 

 www.WACOPS.org  |  200 Union Ave SE  |  Olympia, WA 98501