April 2019 Hot Sheet

April 2019 Hot Sheet

the Hot Sheet

Washington State Retired Deputy Sheriffs and Police Officers Association

P.O. Box 13265, Spokane Valley, WA 99213

Website:  www.wsrdspoa.org

April 2019

Happy Easter


Joe Dawson, King Co SO

Vice Presidents

West: Ronnie Johnston, Tukwila, PD

East: Don McCabe, Spokane Co SO


Dawn Morrow, Spokane Co SO


Jim Hill, Spokane Co SO

Executive Board

West Members At Large:

 Zbig Kasprzyk, King Co SO; Brent Beden, King Co SO

East Members At Large:

Dennis Hooper, Spokane PD; Doug Partlow, Tukwila PD


Meeting Schedules

Puget Sound Area

1st Tues. of the Month 11:00AM 


Johnny’s At Fife Restaurant

5211 20 ST. E.

Fife, WA. 98424


Spokane County

Retired Sheriff Deputies, Employees and Spouses Association

1st Monday of the Month at 11:30AM 


Darcy’s Restaurant

10502 E Sprague Ave.

Spokane Valley, WA




September 5-7, 2019

Columbia Sun RV Resort

103907 Wiser Parkway

Kennewick, WA

855-833-3886 or 509-420-4880


Best Western Plus

4001 W 27th Avenue

Kennewick, WA, 99337

Phone: 509 586-1332

Fellow Members,
Here we are in the 2019 Legislative Session and once again an attempt has been made on our LEOFF I and now LEOFF II funds.
Thankfully through the efforts of our watchdog organizations and watchful members, the word was spread to contact those writing the legislative bill to express their outrage. This must stop! We have two of the most successful retirement systems in the state. The writing of the bill was stopped. But Wait! There’s more! The session is not over and things can still happen this year. We must be watchful. Those crafty politicians could still try something.
I would like to thank the LEOFF I Coalition, the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters, WACOPS, RSPOA, and all those other organizations that stepped up to raise the alarm and who resisted this attempt by the state. Also a special thanks to Andy Wilson, former President of WSRDSPOA and former President and Executive Board Member of the LEOFF I Coalition, for representing WSRDSPOA at the stake holder meetings. I am out of the state presently and Andy stepped forward for our Association. What I don’t understand is the state has used our excess funds in past years to invest through the State Investment Board to increase the funding of other retirement systems. This is a good use of those funds. We should not be held accountable for the lack of other accounts, nor should our funds be used for other budgetary issues. Leave the LEOFF I retirement funds alone.
I’m presently stalled just outside of New Orleans with an equipment repair to our fifth-wheel. Our Traveling Partners, the Rutherfords, will be staying for additional repairs while we continue on the road soon. During my absence we had an installation of new officers. A new Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. While we are sorry to see Tina Waddle, former treasurer, Ralph Waddle, former Vice President, and Stan Reider, former Secretary, leave, we welcome our new officers, Ron Johnston, Vice President West, Dawn Morrow, Secretary and Jim Hill, Treasurer. I’m sure all our former officers and Members at Large will remain active in our Association. Once again! Please stay active and alert to any potential meddling with our LEOFF I and LEOFF 2 Retirement Systems.

Joe Dawson


Latest Effort to Merge LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2
Bill Dickinson, LEOFF 1 Coalition President
Well, March has been an interesting month. I started out telling the Westside luncheon crowd that there were no new attacks on the LEOFF 1 pension plan so far this session and no sooner said that then the word came out that Senator Van De Wege had proposed a merger of LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2.
The merger effort was a complex one with the primary purpose of saving the State millions of dollars. The first bill presented on the floor intends to transfer some 300 million dollars from the LEOFF 2 surplus and place it into the Benefit Improvement Fund that the State created several years ago but has not followed through with but one money transfer to the fund. This by its self does not affect the LEOFF 1 fund but it does reduce the surplus currently in the LEOFF 2 fund, which then suggests the need to create more funding for the LEOFF 2 pension fund. This is where Senator Van De Wege’s proposal comes in. His merger draft proposed that the State would make no contributions to the LEOFF 2 fund from 2019 through 2023 thereby saving the State 295 million dollars. Then, beginning in 2023 the State would restart making contributions until 2030 when the employee share would be bumped up to 55% and the local employer share would be bumped up to 45% at which time the State would cease completely with their contribution to the LEOFF 2 state retirement fund. The proposed bill also would repeal the Public Safety Enhancement Account and Benefit Improvement Account saving 100 Million dollars from 2019 through 2023 and 50 million dollars per biennium thereafter. As I said, this proposal is a huge money saver for the State by essentially pulling themselves out of the very retirement system they originally instituted.
LEOFF 1 effects: The LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2 funds would be merged into a single large fund. The proposal offers 20,000 dollars to each LEOFF 1 member paid out of the LEOFF 1 fund. The bill would also provide medically necessary dental benefits in the LEOFF 1 medical plan (which would be a benefit increase in some jurisdictions but is already in place in a number of other jurisdictions). LEOFF 1 governance would remain unchanged (SCPP & PFC). A portion of the savings the State receives from not contributing to the LEOFF 2 retirement fund would go for the local employers to help pay medical benefits.
LEOFF 2 effects: as mentioned above, 300 million dollars would be transferred from the LEOFF 2 fund into the Benefit Improvement Account. Rate setting authority would be solely with the LEOFF 2 Board beginning in 2023 and the LEOFF 2 Board is protected for its authority and budget.
So that was the proposed merger concept proposed by Senator Van De Wege and a couple of State staff. A series of stakeholder meetings were scheduled and the LEOFF 1 Coalition (Andy Wilson, Joyce Wilms and myself) were in attendance at each meeting along with representatives from Seattle and Tacoma City retirement organizations, the FOP, Council of Firefighters, WACOPS, Association of Cities, Counties and Fire Commissioners among others. It was soon clear that there were precious few stakeholders who were in favor of this plan. Just prior to the third stakeholder meeting, I received the following message from Senator Van De Wege advising that he was not going to pursue this merger further during this year. I am hoping that this decision was in response not only to the stakeholders, but also to the many emails and phone calls he received from the LEOFF 1 members, LEOFF 2 members and local employers who would all be adversely affected by this merger plan. There were also a great deal of contacts being made with other legislators by Joyce, Andy and Bill asking for support and protection of our retirement plans as well as lobbying from Seattle retirement organizers such as Dick Warbrouck. I believe that all of these efforts were instrumental in Senator Van De Wege’s decision to back away from the proposed merger at this time. I attach the message from Senator Van De Wege below for your perusal.
But before I sign off, I cannot emphasize enough that the current surplus funds in both LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2 funds is money burning a hole in the pockets of our state legislators. There will almost certainly be a special session and we have to watch carefully in case they decide to drop a last minute bill to circumvent our resistance to taking our hard earned retirement funds. I ask all retirees from both LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2 to stand together to protect our respective retirement systems and be prepared to react promptly if they make yet another run at us.
Dear LEOFF Merger Stakeholders,
This is to let you know that the proposed LEOFF 1 and 2 merger will not be moving forward for the 2019 session.  There will be no more stakeholder meetings. The meeting this Friday, March 29th, is cancelled. I would like to thank everyone for the willingness to come together and work on this issue. 
 While I have been involved in merger proposals and discussions in the past, I have never led the effort. I found all of the parties to be working in a respectful manner which I greatly appreciate. I particularly would like to thank two staff members who worked on this effort. Amanda Cecil and Steve Nelsen are both professional and knowledgeable and have put a lot of work into this legislation. We are all indebted to the work they do and what has been accomplished.
As of now, there are no plans to do any interim work on a merger proposal.  This issue has already been studied to the point of exhaustion. I have already conveyed my desire with the stakeholder groups about coming together. I am concerned that merger could easily happen and no stakeholder groups will see any benefits and be stuck with a costly court battle. I do not see myself working directly on merger in the future and wish all of you the best of luck.
Thank you,
Kevin Van De Wege
State Senator 24th LD
I talked with Representative Morgan Irwin about this bill, as there are always concerns when we see the legislature coming up with a bill that affects our LEOFF retirement system. This bill is actually trying to help enhance our LEOFF 2 system. What this bill is striving to accomplish is to set up a secondary fund within LEOFF 2. This “benefits improvement fund” could then be used to work on improvements to LEOFF 2. The idea is to move 300 million dollars from the LEOFF 2 surplus into the “benefits improvement fund”. According to Representative Irwin our LEOFF 2 fund currently stands at 109% funded. Moving 300 million dollars to the “benefits improvement fund” would take this down to 106%. The “benefits improvement fund” will remain within LEOFF 2 and will be managed by the LEOFF 2 Board, which currently manages our LEOFF 2 retirement fund. You can find the wording of the full bill on the web, please check it out. It has wide support from both firefighter and police associations.
Zbig Kasprzyk
This article was reprinted from Military.com
The Department of Veterans Affairs will not appeal a January court ruling that ordered it to provide health care and disability benefits for 90,000 veterans who served on Navy ships during the Vietnam War, likely paving the way for “Blue Water Navy” sailors and Marines to receive Agent Orange-related compensation and VA-paid health care benefits.VA Secretary Robert Wilkie told members of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee on Tuesday that he will recommend the Justice Department not fight the decision, handing a victory to ill former service members who fought for years to have their diseases recognized as related to exposure to the herbicide Agent Orange. Last year, the House unanimously passed a bill, the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act, to provide benefits to affected service members. But Wilkie objected, saying the science does not prove that they were exposed to Agent Orange. Veterans and their advocates had argued that the ships’ distilling systems used Agent Orange-tainted seawater, exposing sailors on board to concentrated levels of dioxin. However, the bill failed in the Senate when two Republicans, Sen. Michael Enzi of Wyoming and Mike Lee of Utah, said they wanted to wait for a vote pending the outcome of a current study on Agent Orange exposure. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit in January ruled that a Vietnam veteran, 73-year-old Alfred Procopio, and other Blue Water Navy veterans qualified for benefits currently given to service members stationed on the ground in Vietnam or who served on inland waterways and have diseases associated with Agent Orange.


 Here is the news you all have been waiting for, our 2019 LEOFF COLAs.
Cost-of-Living Adjustments (COLAs) have been set for 2019. LEOFF Plan 1 COLAs will take effect April 1 and will be reflected in end-of-April benefit payments. COLAs for all other plans will take effect July 1 and will be reflected in end-of-July benefit payments.
The tables below show the 2019 COLA percentages based on your retirement date and plan.
Most COLAs are based on changes in the Consumer Price Index for the greater Seattle area.
COLAs for LEOFF Plan 1
April 2, 2018 – March 31, 2019
January 1, 2018 – April 1, 2018
April 2, 2017 – December 31, 2017
Prior to April 2, 2017
COLAs for LEOFF Plan 2
– EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2019 –
Retirement Dates
July 2, 2018 – July 1, 2019
Prior to July 2, 2018

 April 25th, 2019
Cascade Shooting Facilities
 26520 292 AVE SE Ravensdale, WA
 There is no fee for this event.
 We will be holding a LEOSA / HR218 qualification
from 0900 – 1300.  We will have Range “E” Bay 5 reserved for the qualification.
 Please bring eye protection, ear protection and plenty of ammunition for the qualification.
The qualification course is 25 rounds.
 For Range Safety, Shooters must use a belt mounted, strong side holster, designed for their weapon.
No Shoulder or Cross Draw Holsters Allowed
NEW REQUIREMENT:  Please bring your retired Law Enforcement identification card or letter of retirement.
If you have any questions contact Zbig at zkkasprzyk@gmail.com or 206-818-7476.
 HR218 Firearms Qualification /
Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act
10:00 AM Saturday, May 04, 2019
Chehalis Police Department Range
Chehalis, Washington
The LEASW invites you to join us for an 8:00 am no-host breakfast on Saturday, May 04, 2019 at the Denny’s Restaurant off Exit 76/Hwy I-5 in Chehalis, WA (east side of I-5).
FEES: $40.00 for all qualified participants. You may qualify with two guns, ONE REVOLVER and ONE Automatic, at no extra costs. No need to do two revolvers or two automatics.
Registration and Payment Deadline: Friday April 26, 2019 to allow us time to prepare certification cards so they will be ready for you on the day of the shoot.
REQUEST REGISTRATION DOCUMENT from Carol Hurley: (360) 985-0748 / cjhurley@hughes.net.
NOTE: Please send checks made payable to “LEASW” along with your completed registration form to: LEASW, P.O. Box 1015, Centralia, WA 98531.
Questions???  Contact LEASW HR218 Coordinator Tracy Wiese at 360-269-9181 / dicktracy@lewiscounty.com

Your annual WSRDSPOA Dues are NOW $30.00 per year.
Please send your $30 check to:
PO Box 13265
Spokane Valley, WA 99213
This is our new mailbox as of April 1, 2019.
 As of April 1, 2019, if your Dues have not been paid since 2017, you will be removed from our membership.


The 2019 Yuma “Old Cops”, (and several younger ones), party put on by Tom Pritchard was a great success. Everyone is welcome to come and have a great time. Heck there was even a retired Trooper there. There were about 29 of us that attended. The food was great and the company even better. Thanks so much to Tom for putting this on. Just a few weeks before the party Tom had spent some time in the hospital with pneumonia. Thanks to all who helped Tom put this on. We’ll be back next year for sure.

Holloway’s Raiders, A History of the Dallas Police Department’s Deadly Shotgun Squads, by Captain E.R. Walt
First, in the interest of full disclosure, I have a confession to make. In 1971, when I was a brand new rookie with the King County Sheriff’s Department, I attended a firearms training session at the SPD range. There, I saw our illustrious president, Joe Dawson, do things with a Remington 870 that I still have difficulty believing were possible. Suffice it to say that I have been an aficionado of the police shotgun ever since.
Holloway’s Raiders was the unofficial name of the Special Enforcement unit of the Dallas, Texas, Police Department. It was formed in 1961 and commanded by one Lieutenant H.C. Holloway. The unit was formed to combat a rash of late night liquor and convenience store robberies (Dallas was the birthplace of the 7-11 ‘stop-and-robs’) that had reached epidemic proportions. Officers worked in pairs concealed on the premises, and both were armed with shotguns; a round chambered, safety on. You get an appreciation for how much has changed in police work when you read that switching the safety to ‘off’ was considered all the warning for a suspect to surrender that was deemed necessary.
Though nominally a book about the Shotgun Squad and their, shall we say, task oriented commander, it’s really much more. The book gives an excellent, albeit brief, history of the Dallas PD and goes on to chronicle the changes that all police departments in this country underwent in the decades following the 1970s that, I suspect, many of us will recognize.
The author is a retired thirty-three year veteran of DPD and in fact, at one time, commanded the successor of the Special Enforcement Unit.     I would describe his writing style as relaxed, but this isn’t just a collection of ‘war’ stories. It is about a time and place and the different personalities that impacted it and that’s what makes it a very interesting read.

Ryan Shane Thompson, Kittitas County Deputy, EOW 19 March, 2019
Ryan Shane Thompson was born in Walla Walla, Washington on August 24, 1976 to Terry and Kathryn Thompson. Ryan grew up in and attended school in Walla Walla through high school. In high school he excelled at the sports of football and wrestling, not because he was a gifted athlete, but because of his grit and determination drove him past the possibility of limitation. Ryan was more than a people person and prom king, he was kind and had an amazingly positive attitude towards everyone. Ryan’s love of wrestling took him to North Idaho College where he wrestled and made many lifelong friends. Wanting to continue wrestling, he chose to attend Central Washington University. He traveled abroad to Spain, Mexico and South America while finishing a bachelor’s degree in Spanish. He graduated from CWU in 2003.
Ryan started with Kittitas County Sheriff’s Office as a reserve, then moved into corrections from 2004-2007. Then from 2007-2013 he worked at Central Washington University Police Department.
He met his wife Sara in 2008, and in true Thompson fashion, made her his wife in 2013 at an epic storm of a ceremony. He was her “handsome man,” and she was his “hot lady.” In December of 2013, Ryan started as a Deputy at Kittitas County Sheriff’s Office. He loved his job following in his father’s, uncle’s and brother’s law enforcement footsteps. They were his heroes. He looked up to his little brother for his love of learning and growing academically. His mother gave him kindness, respect and genuine love for those around him.
Ryan did nothing small. He was never late because nothing started until Thompson arrived. He enjoyed seeing new places, making and eating crazy, fancy food, BBQ and beer on the porch with friends and neighbors, rock and fossil hunting, metal sculpting, art, brewing beer, music, chicken chasing, giant turkey raising, climbing mountains, fly fishing, hiking, boating and most recently rock climbing – just to name a few hobbies. He summited Mount Rainier and climbed many other peaks around Washington. His yard and garden always had multiple projects brewing. Everything was interesting to him – from how it worked, to how it grew. He never stopped learning new things. He collected everything; including hobbies and close friends. You all know who you are – because he told you.
Above all, his love for his family was always number one. Sara was blessed in ways only God could have conjured up when she met this man. He gave her everything she never knew she wanted and more. Ryan loved his children beyond words. He believed in Madison’s academic and running abilities to his core. He was proud to cheer her on and watch her meet and exceed goals as she grew into a beautiful, kind young lady. Pepper may have taught Ryan more than he taught her. He was never afraid of diapers or staying up with a cranky baby. He had the most patient ways of helping her tiny heart grow and inspiring her love of the outdoors and learning new things. She brought in her first fish with Daddy before she was two. Archer and Ryan had very little time together on earth, but they had an unmistakable father-son bond. He takes after his father in the kindness he has in his eyes and a relentlessly brilliant smile.
Ryan was taken from his family, friends and community at age 42 on March 19, 2019.
He is survived by his wife Sara; his dear children, Madison (16) and Pepper (3) and son Archer (1). His father and mother, Terry and Kathryn Thompson; brothers Aaron and Brandon, Spouses and children; nieces and nephews; John Anonsen; uncles Tom and Tim Thompson; grandfather Norm Panell, Aunt Bonnie and Uncle Gary and all of his cousins. Sara’s father, mother, uncles, aunts, cousins; and far too many friends to count.
May you rest peacefully and watch over us as you did here on earth. We love you “way up to the moon and the sky” – Pepper.
Jerry D. Berger. Retired Des Moines PD officer Jerry Burger passed away on December 24, 2018.
Michael A. Daviduke. Retired WSP Major Michael Daviduke passed away at the age of 90, on January 6, 2019. He is survived by his wife, Patricia Daviduke, and son, Michael S. Daviduke.  Mike was preceded in death by his son, Matthew, and daughter, Kathleen.
Mike began working for the Washington State Patrol on January 19, 1959, as a Driver’s License Examiner in North Seattle.  He was commissioned on October 5, 1959, and assigned to Spokane.
Mike had an expansive career and served admirably in many assignments before retiring on August 31, 1988, as a Major assigned to the Field Operations Bureau in Olympia.
Charles Linscott. Retired Trooper Charles Linscott passed away on January 13, 2019, at the age of 80. Charles began working for the Washington State Patrol on July 15, 1963, as a Radio Dispatcher assigned to Ellensburg.  Charles was commissioned on June 25, 1965, with the 34th Trooper Cadet Basic Training Class and assigned to Seattle.  Charles served 25 years in District 2 before retiring on June 29, 1988.
 He is survived by his wife Ann, his 11 children; Deb, Brad, Pam, Cheri, Rod, Laura, Cheryl, Lesa, Stewart, Jennifer, and Bill, and 22 grandchildren, and 11 great grandchildren.
James Payne. Retired Trooper James (Jim) Payne passed away Saturday morning, March 9th in the care of Hospice at the age of 76. He had battled cancer for 6 years. Jim, badge 734, retired in 1992.
James Gleason. It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of retired Trooper James (Jim) Gleason #279/Goldendale.  Jim retired from the WSP in 1986 after serving the citizens of our state for over 26 years. After retirement, Jim was elected and served 2 years as the Klickitat County Sheriff.  Jim was also a proud graduate of the 156th FBI National Academy.
Mike Nelson. Retired Centralia Police Sgt. Mike Nelson of Centralia, Wash., Badge #326, passed away on March 9, 2019, at the age of 74, after a long battle with cancer.
Sgt. Nelson started his law enforcement career as an officer with the California Highway Patrol.  After 6 years he moved and became a police officer with the City of Nampa Idaho.  Mike moved in 1974 one final time and joined the Centralia WA Police department where he served as a patrol officer, Sargent and Sargent of Detectives.  He retired in 1992.
Mike received the “Police Officer of the Year Award in 1981” Mike was known for his professionalism and his smile.
William John Mahon. Retired King County Captain, Bill Mahon passed away on March 24, 2019. Bill was born March 30, 1923 to James and Helen (Kerns) Mahon. Bill was raised in Philadelphia by the Sisters of Saint Joseph. Graduated from high school in 1941. Entered U.S. Navy in 1942. Served one and one-half years in the South Pacific and was discharged in 1945. Married “Sweet” Josephine Marie Hladik, October 2, 1946 in Sacramento, California. They were married 62 years. Retired in 1977 after 25 years with King County Sheriff’s Office. Predeceased by wife Josephine (Dec. 8, 2008). Survived by daughter Constance (Connie) Ibsen and son James (Jim) Mahon, five grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren and nephews and niece in Philadelphia area.
Welcome to our newest members.
David and Jennifer McCabe                Spokane Police Department
David retired from Spokane on June 7, 2018 and is LEOFF 2.
Ron and Celia Griffin                           King County Sheriff’s Office
Ron is LEOFF 2 and retired in March of 2017. He likes to golf, ride his Harley, travel and RV.

Notes from our members.
Gary Hardy says “thank you guys for all you do”.
Greg Knapp wrote, “Thanks for all that you do. I really appreciate it. Take care.”
Don Christianson wrote, ” Thank you for all you do for our common cause.”
Charlotte Supplee says,” Happy New Year. Still enjoying retirement and no alarm clocks.”
Ron Amer says, “Happy New Year! Thank you for all you do for us. Hope you have a good and healthy 2019.”
Jo and Bob Hutchinson say, “Happy New Year. Thanks for keeping us informed. Appreciate all the effort it must take, especially dealing with Olympia.”
Richard Melin tells us that he and his lovely wife just celebrated their 59th wedding anniversary on December 18, 2018. He also turned 80 on Christmas day 2018. WOW, congratulations to both Richard and Brenda.
Ron Kespohl says, “Thanks for all your work keeping us informed.”
John Johnson wrote, “Thanks for the work and effort put in to make everything a success.”
Don and Arlene Lapthorne say thanks for work well done and that they are doing well.
David and Helen Kuhn say thanks for the Hot Sheet.
Mary Epperson says thanks for all we do.
Barb and Bill McReynolds wrote, “Thank-you for ALL of your work for the retirees. You are appreciated.”
D. Joe Buda says, “Still healthy, livin’ the dream.”

Joe Dawson, President: jsdawson@comcast.net (425) 392-4361 (C) (206) 817-8376
Ronnie Johnston, West Side Vice President: r7t9@aol.com (206) 595-6819
Don McCabe, Vice President East Side & Website Administrator: don.mccabe41@gmail.com  (509) 951-0399
Dawn Morrow, Secretary: queencat13@aol.com (509) 928-7182 (C) 509 464-9773
Jim Hill, Treasurer: christopher1987@truevine.net (509) 362-2025
Zbig Kasprzyk, West Side Board Member: zkkasprzyk@gmail.com(206) 818-7476
Brent Beden, West Side Board Member: brent.beden@comcast.net  (C)  (206) 550-2809
Dennis Hooper, East Side  Board Member: derickson024@gmail.com (509) 991-8259 (C) (509) 255-9156
Doug Partlow, East Side  Board Member: dougpart@aol.com (509) 698-4648 (C) (509) 480-1017
Zbig Kasprzyk, Hot Sheet Editor: zkkasprzyk@gmail.com (206) 818-7476
Gerry Drake, Patches, Pins etc: sadsack@cheerful.com (C) 206 321-1952