Washington State Retired Deputy Sheriffs and Police Officers Association
P.O. Box 1805, Sumner, WA 98390
January 2019
Joe Dawson, King Co SO
Vice Presidents
West: Ronnie Johnston, Tukwila, PD
East: Don McCabe, Spokane Co SO
Dawn Morrow, Spokane Co SO
Jim Hill, Spokane Co SO
Executive Board
West Members At Large:
Zbig Kasprzyk, King Co SO; Brent Beden, King Co SO
East Members At Large:
Dennis Hooper, Spokane PD; Doug Partlow, Tukwila PD
Meeting Schedules
Puget Sound Area
1st Tues. of the Month 11:00AM
Johnny’s At Fife Restaurant
5211 20 ST. E.
Fife, WA. 98424
Spokane County
Retired Sheriff Deputies, Employees and Spouses Association
1st Monday of the Month at 11:30AM
Darcy’s Restaurant
10502 E Sprague Ave.
September 5-7, 2019
Columbia Sun RV Resort
103907 Wiser Parkway
Kennewick, WA
855-833-3886 or 509-420-4880
Best Western Plus
4001 W 27th Avenue
Kennewick, WA, 99337
Phone: 509 586-1332
Holiday Greetings!
The end of the year is upon us. We have completed our by-laws on schedule to modernize them. We remain primarily a social organization with the protection of our retirement benefits as our other purpose. Please attend our local and state wide meetings. We need your involvement.
In the last couple of years we have included our LEOFF II Members as full voting members and it has been a good experience. LEOFF II Members have stepped up to assist in the organization. They have volunteered to fill positions where others have not had the time to participate. All of our members have been enjoying the fellowship at our local meetings.
Our recent election has concluded. For the first time we have had an electronic election by email. Vice President Don McCabe located a service that has saved us time, office supplies, and postage expenses. Those association members who do not use computers or email have had ballots mailed to them for a count added to the electronic election. Look for the election results elsewhere in this issue.
There is an attempt by the Retired Fire Fighters of Washington (RFFOW) to organize all law enforcement and fighter fighters into one association. This group will attempt to represent retirees by attending legislative meetings to protect LEOFF Retirement Programs, through the use of paid lobbyists. I attended a meeting earlier this year at the request of RFFOW President Richard Warbrouck at which he requested funding for yet another lobbyist. I, as your president opted out. Any funds that we possess will be used directly for our association members for individual assistance, lawsuits or donations for efforts voted upon by the WSRDSPOA Executive Board. I might add that we have donated to the LEOFF I Coalition for several years. They have served us well at protecting our benefits. The LEOFF I Coalition lobbyist has been effective.
I personally believe that putting all of our efforts in one large organization to represent us to our State Congress and Senate is not the answer to protect our retirement LEOFF benefits. It should be the outpouring of individual members and a multitude of retirement organizations at hearings and subcommittee meetings that show the power of our numbers. Each member has at least one registered voter in their home. We have relatives that probably would vote to protect our retirements if they were to be informed by us. The next effort for this protection comes through contact with our elected Legislators. Your contact in numbers with your government is where our power exists.
Lastly, during this holiday season, we wish you health and safe celebrations. I hope that you all had a MERRY CHRISTMAS and wish you all the best in the NEW YEAR! If you celebrated another holiday we wish you PEACE and HAPPINESS!
Joe Dawson
Kennewick, WA
September 5,6,7, 2019
Columbia Sun RV Resort
Make sure to check the date!! It’s never to early to make plans for the WSRDSPOA annual convention. This year’s convention has been moved up a week from our normal times due to scheduling conflicts with the Troopers.
We would love to see more people participating in this convention. If you RV or not, this is a fun event for all. There are several motels within 5 minutes of the RV resort so there should be no excuse for those that don’t RV. Don’t get scared away with the word convention as this is more a “get together” than anything else. Everyone that has attended in the past has had a great time. I know we have a lot of golfers among our Association. This is a perfect time to get together with old and new friends and play on a beautiful course you may not have played at before. Thursday is golf day for the golfers while the rest of us get together over snacks and drinks and catch up on what has happened during the past year. The Thursday banquet at the golf course is open to all members and the food has always been excellent. There are a couple Association meetings, a General Membership Meeting Friday morning and an Executive Board Meeting Saturday morning. There are group lunches you can go to at a couple restaurants and don’t forget everyone’s favorite, the Friday night potluck. Some of us get there on Wednesday and don’t leave till Monday. This works great if you want to avoid traffic going home. Hope to see many new faces at this year’s convention.
Stay tuned for more details as we get closer, we are working on group rates at one or two motels to help cut the costs a bit.
As you all should know by now, we had our first election under our new by-laws in November. Joe Dawson remains as our President and Don McCabe as our East Side Vice President. Dennis Hooper remains as one of our East Side Executive Board members with Doug Partlow moving from west to east.
As you can see there are several new officers on your E-Board. We want to welcome Ronnie Johnston as your new West Side VP. Dawn Morrow will be taking over the duties as Secretary, a special thanks to Dawn as this is the most time consuming office of them all. Jim Hill will be our new Treasurer, with Brent Beden and Zbig Kasprzyk taking over as West Side Executive Board Members.
One major change in the make up of the E-Board was to go back to two Executive Board Members on the east and west side. This was done mainly to save money for the Association as E-Board members get compensated for their travels and lodging for all E-Board meetings.
Our new Secretary and Treasurer positions have now moved to the east side of the state, as of right now we will keep our mailing address the same. There is on-going discussion amongst the E-Board regarding changing the Association address, so stay tuned for further news on that front.
We want to thank all out-going officers for all their hard work and dedication to the Association. A special thanks to Tina Waddle, our out-going Treasurer. She did a great job and we are all very grateful for all that she did.
We want to welcome Bill Dickinson as the new LEOFF1 Coalition President. Whenever possible Bill will be supplying us with an article in the newsletter updating us on what’s new in Olympia. It is very important for all of us remain vigilant with what the state is doing, especially when it comes to all of our retirements.
Legislative update:
LEOFF 1 Coalition Board members Dave Peery, Andy Wilson and Bill Dickinson joined our lobbyist Joyce Willms at the Capitol on December 11, 2018. While the legislature does not convene until mid-January, the Select Committee on Pension Policy meets in advance to consider legislation and support or decline support on proposals being pursued prior to being offered to the Legislature as a whole. We became aware that the Retired Firefighters of Washington group had written a letter to the Chair of the Select Committee asking for new legislation to change the existing laws that regulate the candidates for pension and disability boards for whom we are allowed to vote. Currently, each jurisdiction is required to offer an active or retired police or firefighter a board position (depending on whether it is a pre-LEOFF legacy board or a LEOFF board under RCW 41.26). Mr. Warbrouck alleges that boards in the State of Washington are having a hard time finding local active or retired members to fill those positions. While we have not been aware of any jurisdictions complaining of this problem, we do understand that as time goes by, the number of LEOFF 1 retirees diminishes. Keep in mind that local active and retired LEOFF 2 members are also able to run for these pension and disability board positions under existing law so it would seem that a lack of available candidates would be rare. None-the-less, Mr. Warbrouck has offered two solutions to the Select Committee to move his issue to the legislature.
His first proposal suggests that a jurisdiction must first try to find a local law enforcement officer or firefighter to sit on the appropriate board as is currently done. If they cannot find a local active or retired member to run for the position, they may then allow any locally residing, retired law enforcement officer or firefighter to run for that position.
His second proposal suggests that the jurisdictions simply be allowed to open the local board positions to any law enforcement officers or firefighters who happen to live in the jurisdiction. The particular language in the second proposal does not require the candidates to be or have been a law enforcement officer or firefighter from Washington State. We really think anyone who represents police and fire concerns to the board should be experienced with, and be a member of the Washington State Retirement System.
LEOFF 1 retirees in general don’t want LEOFF 1 pension and disability boards to be centralized in Olympia but to remain local to the jurisdictions in which we all served. We also want to keep our fellow law enforcement officers or firefighters, be they LEOFF 1 or LEOFF 2, sitting on our pension and/or disability boards. It wouldn’t sit well to drive all the way to Olympia in order to fight for your medical benefits from people who have no connection to your employing community. So, after discussing with a local disability board member and the President of the Washington State Retired Deputy Sheriffs and Police Officer’s Association, we testified to the Select Committee that we were supportive of the first proposal, but we were not supportive of the second piece of legislation. The Select Committee did not have a quorum to vote on the matter so we do not currently know the outcome, but you can be sure we will be watching closely as the legislature convenes in January and we will keep you posted!
Bill Dickinson
The following article was written on the Blue Lives Matter website by Sandy Malone.
Our Association is prohibited from endorsing Candidates or Issues, however, You can do as you like.
U.S. Congressman Pushing Change To Block States From Banning Cops Carrying Guns
U.S. Rep. Don Bacon plans to introduce important LEOSA amendments in the next Congress.
Washington, DC – A congressman from Nebraska is ready to introduce new amendments to the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (LEOSA) that will shut down lasting attempts by some states to limit the coverage of that law within their own borders.
U.S. Representative Don Bacon (R-Nebraska) introduced a few amendments to LEOSA that died with the end of the 115th Congress, but he’s already prepared with a bigger, better version.
“We have been made aware of various LEOSA abuses by states regarding implementation of this federal law and I will be introducing legislation in the 116th Congress to make improvements to LEOSA as identified by a coalition of law enforcement organizations,” Bacon told Blue Lives Matter.
Bacon’s proposed amendments will come as no surprise to many, particularly on the East Coast where states like New Jersey and New York have over-complicated routine travel for those specifically covered by LEOSA.
“Upon introduction, our changes to the LEOSA Reform Act in the 116th Congress will allow our law enforcement officers who have dedicated their lives to protect our communities, to continue doing so by extending their concealed carry privileges,” the congressman said. “Allowing trained professionals with years of expertise to carry could allow them to respond more quickly to emergencies, and makes our communities safer.” “I know if I was in a crisis situation, I’d be relieved to have a retired officer near me who is trained and ready to react safely,” he said.
Bacon and his coalition seek to make the following changes:
- Federal Gun Free School Zones Act (GFSZA) – The GFSZA currently does not permit carry for those pursuant to LEOSA even though possessing a state CCW permit does. Thus, having a state CCW means you can carry in school zones but carrying under LEOSA does not. We wish to revise the GFSZA to include an exemption for LEOSA.
- State, Local, and Property Open to the Public, including Common Carriers – LEOSA currently does not override the prohibition of CCW carry on common carriers (e.g. city buses, subways, AMTRAK, etc.), nor does it override the ability of private property owners of otherwise publicly accessible property (e.g. shopping malls, stores, movie theaters, etc.) from prohibiting carry. We wish to revise LEOSA to allow qualified law enforcement officers (QLEOs) and qualified retired law enforcement officers (QRLEOs) to carry on common carriers and on state, local, and privately-owned property that is otherwise open to the public. (Courthouses and Law Enforcement facilities would continue to be restricted, as would carry for commercial airlines.)
- National Parks – LEOSA currently does not permit carry in National Parks but having a state CCW permit does. We wish to revise LEOSA to specifically allow carry on all federally owned lands/properties that are otherwise open to the public.
- Magazine size limitation – LEOSA currently provides an exemption from state/local restrictions on ammunition, but it does not provide an exemption from such restrictions on magazine size. Thus, one can carry hollow-point ammo under LEOSA even if it is prohibited by state/local laws, but LEOSA does not allow an exemption on magazine size limitations. We wish to revise LEOSA to also provide the magazine size exemption.
- Qualification Issue – LEOSA certification currently requires annual qualification to the state standard for law enforcement or on the qualification standard of their former employing agency. This is a problem for those who reside in states for which there is no state standard for law enforcement, those states that have different standards for active versus retired law enforcement, and those states that prohibit their certified firearms instructors from qualifying retired officers. We seek to revise LEOSA to provide multiple options for meeting the annual qualification requirement and at the option of the state, extend the training requirement from every 12 months-to up to every 36 months.
- Certain Federal Facilities – LEOSA currently does not allow carry in Federal civilian public access facilities. We wish to revise LEOSA to allow carry in a Facility Security Level I or II civilian public access facility (e.g. US Post Offices and Social Security offices, etc.) (Federal Courthouses would continue to be restricted).”
Bacon’s proposed amendments are broader than those that died with his last bill.
The new amendments address some specific issues that have come up in states that have sought to violate the spirit of LEOSA by restricting retired and active-duty officers carrying at will.
“Our coalition’s members, who are often retired law enforcement living in various states around the nation, are the individuals impacted by this law and notify us when they encounter problems with it,” Bacon explained.
The coalition backing Bacon’s proposed amendments is made up of the Society of Former Special Agents of the FBI (SFSAFBI/SFSAF), the Federal Law Enforcement Officer Association (FLEOA), the Association of Former Agents of the U.S. Secret Service (AFAUSSS), the FBI Agents Association (FBIAA), the National Organization of Police Organizations (NAPO), the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives (NOBLE), the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), and the NYPD Sergeants Benevolent Association (SBA).
The changes to LEOSA that Bacon and his coalition are proposing mostly serve as clarifications in what has become a never-ending effort to codify what the framers of the original bill had in mind when it was crafted.
The original LEOSA legislation passed in 2004 allowed “qualified law enforcement officers” and the “qualified retired or separated law enforcement officers” to carry a concealed firearm in any jurisdiction in the United States, regardless of state or local laws, with certain exceptions.
The initial law unintentionally left open for interpretation exactly which officers individual states deemed to be “qualified” under LEOSA, and what kind of ammunition they could carry.
So in 2010, amendments were passed that extended and defined the coverage and requirements, paving the way for a larger group of active-duty and retired officers to carry under LEOSA.
They also expanded the definition of a permitted firearm to include any ammunition not prohibited by the National Firearms Act of 1934, thus shutting down New Jersey’s attempt to limit the carrying of hollow-point bullets.
Congress further expanded LEOSA with amendments in 2013 that extended its coverage to active-duty and retired military police.
The bill Bacon intends to introduce in the new Congress addresses specific state issues, or conflicts in the law that have arisen.
Most recently, a New Jersey law went into effect that limits the size of magazines to 10 rounds or fewer, and the state indicated it also applied to those carrying under LEOSA. Bacon’s amendment would solve the issue by exempting LEOSA carriers from magazine-size restrictions.
The Texas Rangers, Wearing the Cinco Peso, 1821 – 1900 (volume I)
& From 1900 to the Present (volume II),by Mike Cox
Texas is a big state with a big history. That’s why it takes two volumes to adequately document the story of the Texas Rangers. It must also be said, however, that some Texans have been known to tell some pretty big tales when it comes to recounting the contributions of their forbearers. So, like a lot of people, I always wondered just how much of the legend of Texas Rangers was fact and how much was fiction. After digesting these two volumes, I am convinced that the legend is quite real.
Stephen Austin formed the original group of men that he referred to as ‘Rangers’ to protect the roads from bandits when Texas was still a Mexican state. When Texas became a sovereign nation, a new company of rangers was formed to counter Indian raids on their western frontier. I found this aspect of the history most interesting. When the Rangers answered a call they could often be in the field for weeks at a time, until they got the job done. “97/98, G-O-A” was not in their vocabulary.
The author is a former newspaper reporter who became the spokesperson for the Texas Department of Public Safety and, while his admiration for the history of the agency shows, he doesn’t sugar coat the facts. That the Rangers occasionally administered a little “frontier justice” is not disputed. He does, however, provide a context for the conditions facing the new Republic of Texas that puts these incidents in perspective.
The role of the Texas Rangers changed many times over the years, from providing security from Indian raids on the new nation’s western frontier, to helping track down Bonnie and Clyde in the 1930’s, to their present role of executive security and fugitive apprehension. The State of Texas has a true-life legend that they can be proud of and these two volumes do an excellent job of documenting that history.
April 25, 2019
Cascade Shooting Facilities
26520 292 AVE SE Ravensdale, WA
There is no fee for this event.
We will be holding a LEOSA / HR218 qualification
Qualifications run from 0900 – 1300. We will have Bay 5 reserved for the qualification.
Please bring eye protection, ear protection and plenty of ammo for the qualification.
The qualification course is 25 rounds.
For Range Safety, shooters must use a belt mounted, strong side holster,
designed for their weapon.
No Shoulder or Cross Draw Holsters Allowed
The following article was written in the Spokesman-Review by Jim Camden. 11/28/2018
State Attorney:
Disability Boards could pay for pot
Unknown whether covering medical marijuana would jeopardize federal funds.
By Jim Camden
Local boards that oversee disability programs for police and firefighters can approve payments for medical marijuana that has been properly authorized by a doctor, a Washington state attorney general’s opinion says.
But whether that would jeopardize federal funding for city or county programs isn’t clear.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson and his staff recently issued the opinion in response to an inquiry from Yakima County Prosecutor Joseph Brusic, who had asked if the board that oversees the Law Enforcement and Fire Fighters Retirement Plan could cover medical marijuana for a member who has cancer.
It could, although the board wouldn’t have to cover it, the state attorneys concluded. State law requires the board to cover, at a minimum, drugs and medicine prescribed by a doctor. But medical marijuana isn’t prescribed: It’s authorized under state statutes that allow a patient with certain terminal or debilitating conditions to buy it after a health care provider completes a form and the patient meets other requirements.
So while medical marijuana doesn’t fall under the same section of the law as a prescription drug, it could be covered by court decisions that allow a LEOFF board to cover other medical services at its discretion.
First, the board should determine whether the treatment is medically necessary for the member’s condition, and then set down clear rules for when it will and won’t reimburse members for authorized medical marijuana. If it does that, covering medical marijuana would be legal, the attorneys concluded.
Because marijuana remains a drug with no legal use under federal law, it’s not possible to say whether the board’s approval would jeopardize any federal grants for Yakima County, the attorneys added.
Federal policies for enforcing marijuana laws are “fast-moving and unpredictable,” the attorneys said.
Under the Obama administration, the U.S. Justice Department said it would not focus resources in states where laws provide for the use of medical marijuana. But early this year, then-U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions rescinded that order.
Any attempt to withhold federal money may depend on the discretion of federal officials and the terms of grants the county receives, the attorneys said. There are some federal court cases involving conditions for federal grant money, but they don’t involve medical marijuana.
“Despite dozens of states allowing medical marijuana use, we are unaware of any example of a federal grant being denied to a state or local government on the basis that its jurisdiction allowed the use of medical marijuana,” the attorneys said.
An attorney general’s opinion provides guidance for state and local officials but doesn’t have the force of a court ruling.
Death of a Spouse
The following are suggestions of people who have been through this and found themselves in a quandary as to what to do.
In community property states such as Washington, be sure to have both names on all financial accounts and real property. Have a current will, Birth Certificates for both spouses and your Marriage Certificate in a safe place, such as a safe deposit box at your bank. Keep any insurance policies there also.
At time of loss:
1) Call funeral home of your choice. These professionals can be very helpful.
You will need 8-12 Death Certificates which they can usually provide.
2) Call or contact the Washington State Department of Retirement Services to advise them. Phone # 1-800-547-6657.
3) Call the Department where retired from. Each department has resources to assist you, such as Color Guard, Bag piper, Bugler, Chaplin etc.
4) If the deceased is receiving Social Security, the S.S. Administration needs to be notified to avoid interruption of payments. The S.S. Administration will need your Marriage Certificate and will have paperwork for you to fill out.
5) Please call and advise WSRDSPOA. at 425-392-4361, President Joe Dawson.
6) Insurance (life, auto, home, etc.), contact your agent who will assist you in any claims or changes that need to be made.
7) Medicare, 800-633-4227, each claim is unique and you need to call for instructions.
8) Veterans: Veterans Affairs office should be called regarding any service related benefits, phone 800-827-1000.
9) Contact your bank and any other financial institutions you do business with. You do not want a stop put on any of your accounts. Name changes may be needed.
10) Contact your Attorney for advice and help in making changes in your will and financial matters if needed.
11) Keep notes of who you contact, (name, phone #, when). When mailing information or documents, consider using registered mail. The cost is minimal compared to losing an important document. It will also give you a way to track correspondence.
This information has been added to the WSRDSPOA Website under Latest News / Categories/
Death of a Spouse
After receiving the Death of a Spouse information, a member who lost a spouse sent the following information for you to consider:
“Great stuff. Thank you for sharing. My wife passed away about six months ago, after 47 years of marriage. I can share a few of my experiences, as they apply to this email.
We both had current wills. That made a big difference: no probate. That greatly simplified a lot of things for me. I had our wills on my computer hard drive, with originals in a safe deposit box. Birth and marriage certificates are also in the safe deposit box, but no one ever asked for them. (People like Social Security, VA, and DRS, already had all of our birth and marriage information.) I eventually had the attorney who drew up our wills look at mine to see if I needed to change anything.
The funeral director and his wife are long time personal friends. My wife and I had prior conversations with each other and with him about what we wanted done when we died – cremation, VA cemetery, things for our memorial services, etc. That made things much easier for me at a time when dealing with anything and everything involving my wife was emotionally difficult. Most of the big decisions were already made. As a cop, I watched many families struggle with trying to find a funeral home when someone died. People would do better if they make that decision now, before they need it. Meet with your funeral director now, while you are both here, to make those decisions together and without all the emotional baggage. When the time comes, you’ll be glad you did.
(Many couples want to be buried together, both bodies in the same grave or both sets of ashes in the same crypt. We decided to both be cremated. I learned from our funeral director that we could put both urns in the same crypt, or I could choose a larger urn that will be opened when I die, my ashes added to hers, and put back in the crypt. That’s what I chose.)
The funeral director needed a copy of my DD-214 for the VA cemetery.
Most of the other steps required a copy of her death certificate. The funeral director handled that. I just had to wait for the county to issue it. That delay was not a problem when I dealt with people like Social Security, VA, etc. Be sure to ask for multiple copies of the certificate when you talk to your funeral director. Most people wanted certified copies. (Okay, true confession time. I have a good quality printer. I only paid for a few certified copies. Then I scanned in her certified certificate and printed out as many copies as I needed on good heavy paper, including the ‘certification.’ Almost no one ever questioned them. That’s cheaper than paying for multiple copies.) I still have a few copies of the certificate in the safe deposit box for anything else that comes up.
DRS was easy to deal with. They took the information over the phone and had me mail them a copy of her death certificate. I actually got a ‘raise’ in my monthly DRS check. When I retired, I took an actuarial reduction so my wife would keep getting my pension payments if I died first. When she died, that reduction came off. DRS increased my monthly payments to the full amount. The other thing with DRS is to name a new beneficiary for any remaining DRS benefits.
Social Security was easy to deal with, once I got past their phone tree. As with DRS, I mailed them a copy of the death certificate.
I have a VA disability. If you get a monthly disability check from VA, part of the amount is because you have one or more dependents. When you lose a dependent, they adjust the amount. As with Social Security and DRS, I handled this over the phone and mailed them a certificate.
Financial institutions were easy. I had to take her name off of all our joint accounts, credit cards, safe deposit box, etc. (Don’t forget about removing spouse’s name if it is on your pre-printed checks.) The bank caught that the certificate I gave them was a copy, not certified. They were the only ones.
Life insurance was even easier. The funeral director handled that for me.
I called Medicare and our ‘supplemental’ insurer. We handled everything over the phone and I mailed certificates. If you have your ‘supplemental’ insurance premiums automatically deducted from your bank account, this will correct the amount.
Vehicle registration was a problem. We had ‘disabled’ license plates on our car because of my wife’s disability. Tabs renewal came due a couple of months after she died. I went to the local licensing agency with a copy of the death certificate to take her off as a registered owner. They said they can’t do that unless I present a title. I couldn’t do that because I haven’t finished paying Toyota Financial for the car yet. Licensing said I’d have to get a title from Toyota. I called Toyota. The only way I can get a title is to pay off the car. Catch 22. So I mailed my registration check to the county. They sent it back to me with a note that they can’t renew the registration because they have a record that the person for whom the ‘disabled’ plates were issued is deceased. Double Catch 22. So I went back to Licensing and paid for new plates. My wife is still a registered owner of the car. I can’t change that, at least not until the car is paid off.
Don’t forget about changing the title on any real estate you own.
Most of all, be sure that you have good emotional support. Like an old Willie Nelson song says, “When you lose someone you love you don’t get over it, you get through it.”
I would like all of you to please help, me and our membership out in keeping up with those brothers and sisters who have passed away. We don’t always hear about everyone who has died so we might miss getting them into our newsletter. Please send the information to Don McCabe or myself.
Sandra Reider. Loving wife of our out going Secretary, Stan Reider. Sandra passed away November 5, 2018 at her home in Davenport, WA. Sandy was born on September 12, 1954 in Hot Springs, MT to Scotty and Virginia Morrison. The family moved to Davenport and she attended school and graduated from Davenport High School in 1972, she then attended Spokane Community college. She married Stan Reider on May 17, 1975 and they made their home in Davenport where they raised their daughter, Susan. Sandy worked for the Davenport School District for 30 years as a para-pro/special education and was the ASB treasurer. She was a former Davenport Rainbow Girl and member of the Davenport Booster Club. Sandy enjoyed bowling, boating, camping, traveling and cruises and trips to Disneyland, driving her 1967 mustang convertible, her house boat, spending time by the water and her grand dog, but it was her daughter and family that she cherished the most. Sandy is survived by her husband Stan at the home, her daughter and fiancé Susan Reider & Trey Coffman, her mother Virginia Morrison, brother Bob & Jeanne Morrison and her sister Jan Boyd. Her five nieces and nephews Jesse (Jill) Morrison, Stephanie (Tyson) Lindstrum, Kristen (Chris) Bradshaw, Doug Schermer and Mihkail (Courtney) Reider-Gordon. She is preceded in death by her father Francis (Scotty) Morrison. Celebration of Life Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, November 17, 2018 at 2:00 PM at the Davenport Middle School Gym, 601 Washington St. Davenport, WA with Rod Pankey and Pastor Josh Hurd, officiating. Memorial donations can be made to the Foundation for Davenport Schools.
Dennis Zirbel. King County Sgt. Dennis was in Hospice care and passed away December 6 in Bullhead City, AZ at 1715 hrs. His daughter and her family were with him. He had fought Parkinson’s Disease for years and I am sure that the death of his wife several years ago didn’t help. Dennis was very much one of the good guys.
Brian J. Smith & Melanie Smith. RetiredSpokane Deputy Brian J. Smith passed away December 22, just 3 weeks after his wife Melanie passed away after battling cancer. They loved to RV and frequently went to Southern California for the winters.
Daniel Knudsen. Retired King County Deputy Dan Knudsen passed away on May, 7, 2018 in Chandler, AZ. He loved getting together with the Yuma group and talked about it all the time. There will be a memorial in Washington State, on January 20, 2019 at Puget Sound Yacht Club. There will also be an internment at Tahoma National Cemetery in Kent, WA on Jan. 18, 2019.
Edward T. Crawford. Retired WSP Deputy Chief Crawford passed away on Tuesday, November 27, 2018.
Deputy Chief Crawford served over 26 years with the State Patrol. His career began on August 3, 1964, as a patrol cadet assigned to Wenatchee Communications. Deputy Chief Crawford was commissioned as a trooper on October 8, 1965, assigned to Tacoma.
Over the course of his career, he worked his way through the ranks of the WSP with the following assignments: an instructor at the Academy, a Lieutenant in Internal Affairs, District Lieutenant in Vancouver, and Department Public Information Officer at Headquarters, Captain of the Investigative Assistance Division, and Commander of District 2. He was promoted to Major, assigned as Administrative Division Commander, and then promoted to the rank of Deputy Chief of the Investigative Services Bureau on April 18, 1988. During his career, Deputy Chief Crawford graduated from the FBI National Academy, was the past Commander of the Honor Guard, and was selected as the Spokane JC’s “Outstanding Young Citizen of the Year” in 1976.
After retiring from the WSP on June 2, 1991, Deputy Chief Crawford spent 15 years as the Chief of the Kent Police Department.
Today, we honor Deputy Chief Crawford by remembering the contributions he made to this agency, and continuing to serve the citizens of Washington with humility in the work we do every day.
Nephew Rick Carnevali reports that the Funeral Service for Ed will be on Jan 12th at 1 PM in Olympia at The Hope Community Church at 2425 Black Lake Blvd SW.
Welcome to our newest members.
John and Kathy Decker King County Sheriff’s Office
John is LEOFF 2 and retired from King County in 2008. John started the Explosive Detection K9 Unit at King County.
Pat and Bev Ferguson King County Sheriff’s Office
Pat is LEOFF 1, he retired from King County in 1996. Pat loves old cars, especially Mustangs. They love visiting all the vineyards around the state and also spending time with their kids in Renton, Bonney Lake and Austin, TX.
Michael and Traci Kessler Connell Police Department
Mike is LEOFF 2 and retired in May of 2018. Mike loves working around the house, motorcycles, boating, hunting and fishing.
We have had a problem with members being “Unsubscribed” when they did not ask to be “Unsubscribed”.
I called Constant Contact and explained my problem of members being “Unsubscribed” without asking to be. Their explanation is that when a member receives an email and wants to forward it to a friend, if for some reason, that friend hits the “Unsubscribe” button, the friend and the Member are “Unsubscribed”.
So, Constant Contact added a “Forward this Email” button. It is located just below the “Green” block near the bottom of the email. When you use this button to forward the email to a friend, if the friend were to “Unsubscribe”, it will not “Unsubscribe” you. So you are strongly encouraged to use this new “Forward to a Friend” button.
So we will try that new button and see what happens.
If you want to “Unsubscribe”, please call or email me and I’ll take you off the mailing list. I reiterate, Please do not use the “SafeUnsubscribe” button.
You need a Username and I will assign one to you.
You also will be assigned a temporary Password.
After you login, we recommend that you to go to “Profile” and change your Password. Look for the Black Bar at top of the window – right side says “Howdy, …” Now look to left side – it shows icon of “house & WSRDSPOA” – put mouse icon over WSRDSPOA – a drop-down window shows Dashboard – click on Dashboard. Dashboard opens along left side – click on “Profile”. Scroll down and make your changes – scroll to bottom and click on Blue box “Update Profile”. That should do it. This should work for adding your picture too.
If you have any trouble getting on to the website or have any questions, email or call me. Don McCabe – email: don.mccabe41@gmail.com or call 509 951-0399.
TIME for 2019 DUES
Your annual WSRDSPOA Dues are $30.00 per year.
Please send your $30 check to:
P.O. Box 1805
Sumner, WA 98390
So how do I find my dues date?
For those who still receive the Hot Sheet via US Postal Service – check the mailing label for the year of your last dues payment.(It is suppose to be above your name)
Look for the Black bar across the top. Go to ” Howdy, (Your name)” at top right. See Dropdown window.
Go to “Edit My Profile” & Click.
Scroll down and on the left side you should see “Member Dues” & Year.
If you see 2017 or 2018 you owe dues. If you see 2019 or higher – you do not owe dues. Yes, you can pay up a few years ahead, but five or ten years is not necessary.
Besides, it does not guarantee you will live that long. (If you have trouble logging onto the website – please email me: don.mccabe41@gmail.com or call 509-951-0399)
As a last resort only, you can call or email our Treasurer Tina Waddle – 253-863-9188 or tew1215@hotmail.com and she will check her records.
Zbig Kasprzyk: West Side Executive Board Member/Hot Sheet Editor: zkkasprzyk@gmail.com (360) 818-7476
Doug Partlow, East Side Executive Board Member: dougpart@aol.com (C) (509) 480-1017