Hot Sheet January 2016

Hot Sheet January 2016

the Hot Sheet
Washington State Retired Deputy Sheriffs and Police Officers Association
P.O. Box 1805, Sumner, WA 98390

Website: www.wsrdspoa.org

January – February 2016

Mike Clements, Richland P.D.
Vice Presidents
West: Ralph Waddle, King Co S.O.
East: Don McCabe, Spokane Co S.O.
Stan Reider, Lincoln Co S.O.
Tina Waddle, King County S.O.

Executive Board
Westside Members At Large:

Ron Johnston, Tukwila P.D.; Doug Partlow, Tukwila P.D.; Mike Chaney, Des Moines P.D.

Eastside Members At Large:

Diane Erickson, Spokane ; Dennis Hooper, Spokane P.D,; Felix Ramon, Grant Co. S.O

Regular Meeting Schedules

Puget Sound Area 2nd Tuesday of the Month
Black Bear Restaurant
32065 Pacific Hwy S.
Federal Way, WA
11:00 AM

Executive Board Meeting

Darcy’s Restaurant
10502 E. Sprague Ave.
Spokane Valley, WA
Wednesday, April 6, 2016 at 11:00 A.M.

E-Board Meeting, General Membership Meeting & Dinner
Muckleshoot Casino
Auburn, WA
Tuesday, June 14, 2016 at 6:00 P.M.



Hello, fellow W.S.R.D.S.P.O.A. members,

I wanted to extend heartfelt congrats to you all for getting through the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday time. It is my hope everyone had a wonderful experience.

I am sure most of you were as busy as it was around our house.

Since the summer Convention, I haven’t heard from anyone, so my assumption is that things are in good order.

As some of you know, there have been two retired King County LEOFF 2 officers that have approached the Board and suggested the Board make a change in the Bylaws.

Here is what they are asking us to do; Under Article III : Membership, Under Section I
Any police officer or deputy sheriff, who was or is a full-time commissioned law enforcement officer covered by the LEOFF Plan 1 (new language) or LEOFF Plan 2 including their spouse, widowed and widower shall be eligible for regular membership.

Then drop down to (B) 2

Applicants for Associate membership, (drop the rest of the following language other than those covered by the LEOFF Plan 2, and add) shall be approved by the Executive Board.

Read it carefully as it does make a serious change to the current bylaws. There would no longer be a distinction between LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2 as far as this organization is concerned.

As a member of the Executive Board, I would definitely like to hear your feedback before the Executive Board addresses this issue in the next Board meeting.

I did make an inquiry to Joe Fischnaller about this change. He said we could do whatever the Executive Board wants to do. He did offer some for instances we could entertain. His suggestions were handed out to the Executive Board at the last Board Meeting.

Mike Clements


2015 Audit

At the annual convention Sept 2015 an “evaluation of records” was done
by our audit committee. Members were, Joyce Dawson & Linda Rayburn.
The records verify operations, disbursements and documentation are in order and
were approved.


Death of a Spouse

The following are suggestions of people who have been through this and found themselves in a quandary as to what to do.

In a community property state such as Washington, be sure to have both names on all financial accounts and real property. Have a current will, Birth Certificates for both spouses and your Marriage Certificate in a safe place, such as a safe deposit box at your bank. Keep any insurance policies there also.

At time of loss:
1) Call funeral home of your choice. These professionals can be very helpful. You will need 8-12 Death Certificates, which they can usually provide.

2) Call or contact the Washington State department of Retirement Services to advise them. Phone # 1-800-547-6657.

3) Call the Department where retired from. Each department has resources to assist you, such as Color Guard, Bag piper, Bugler, Chaplain, Etc.

4) If the deceased is receiving Social Security, the S.S. Administration needs to be notified to avoid interruption of payments. The S.S. Administration will need your Marriage Certificate and will have paperwork for you to fill out.

5) Please contact one of the WSRDSPOA officers.

6) Insurance (life, auto, home, etc.). Contact your agent who will assist you in any claims or changes that need to be made.

7) Medicare, 1-800-633-4227. Each claim is unique and you need to call for instructions.

8) Veterans: Veterans Affairs office should be called regarding any service related benefits, phone # 1-800-827-1000.

9) Contact your bank and any other financial institutions you do business with. You do not want a stop put on any of your accounts. Names changes may be needed.

10) Contact your Attorney for advice and help in making changes in your will and financial matters, if needed.

11) Keep notes of who you contact, (name, phone #, when). When mailing information or documents consider using Registered Mail. The cost is minimal compared to loosing an important document. It will also give you a way to track correspondence.


Proposed By Law Change

As was mentioned by our current president, Mike Clements, there was a proposal brought up at the 2015 Convention for a by law change. As this organization grows we are getting more LEOFF 2 members, not too many LEOFF 1 are still working and retiring. LEOFF 2 members that are looking at joining are seeing that under current by laws they are not full voting members. A question raised by them is why become a member of an association if I have no say in it.

It’s time to take a serious look at this association and see where we want it to go in the future. If things stay the way they are this association will eventually disappear. We are all getting older and won’t be around forever. If that’s the case, there will eventually be no more LEOFF 1 members and then what happens to the association if no one can vote any more; there will no longer be a WSRDSPOA.

We, as retired deputies and police officers, need to band together. We need to work together to make sure that the state doesn’t go after any of our retirement systems. The state has made runs at LEOFF 1 and I am sure in the future they will do the same at LEOFF 2. Both of our voices together are much stronger than us opposing each other. I don’t know any LEOFF 2 deputy or police officer that doesn’t agree with this. LEOFF 2 doesn’t need anything from LEOFF 1’s retirement. LEOFF 2 has a strong and viable retirement pot on its own.

Another thing to look at is that this association was started as a social type organization, not a political one. We can concentrate on the social part but we need not forget the political part. It’s very good to be informed about what all is happening in Olympia and to be able to fight against any injustices that the politicians try to throw at us. We can always get together with other political organizations whose main mission is the political part of the puzzle. It is also important not to forget that we are a social organization first.

As this proposal goes through its course, remember that having LEOFF 2 voting members is nothing new with this association. There are some spouses of LEOFF 1 members that are LEOFF 2. Because their LEOFF 1 spouse is a full voting member that makes their LEOFF 2 spouse one also.

It’s time to work together and create an even better organization.

Zbig Kasprzyk
King County S.O. (Ret)

Editor’s Note:
By popular demand our newsletter, the Hot Sheet, has been resurrected. A popular item, Around the Beat, will appear in the next issue. To keep this newsletter going I will need your help. Please send me anything interesting you might want to share with our members. Gossip, info on your travels, articles etc. Send to: zkkasprzyk@gmail.com or mail to the WSRDSPOA PO Box. Thanks for your help.


2016 Old Cops Party
in Yuma, AZ

1 MAR 2016 @ 1500 HRS
HOSTED BY Tom & Debby Pritchard 13790 E. 53 Ln.
928-345-9838. E-Mail: tomndebp@localnet.com.

A note from Tom

It’s almost time for the annual Fun In The Sun. This year it will again be at Tom & Debby’s place, two of the best hosts in Yuma.
The following will be furnished: Chicken, Ham, Margaritas, Daiquiris, Beer, Pop, Water, Ice and Lee’s Music. Please bring a side dish / dessert and a friend or two.

Motel in Foothills area: Microtel 928-345-7777, has a discounted rate of $58.91 per night for a minimum of 10 rooms. Located at Hwy 8 & Exit 12, (Fortuna Ave). When reserving inform them you are with the Old Cops group and ask about Pet Policy if you have pets.

Tom & Debby

A note from Lee Hahn

Old Cop’s Golf is on the 29 Feb at 1200 hrs start time, at the Mesa Del Sol golf course in the Foothills area, 12213 E. Calle Del Cid. 928-342-1283.
Green Fees of $36 for 18 holes, $28 for 9 holes. Those that want to only play 9 holes, let me know as I need to marry those folks with other 9 hole players.

Please RSVP one week early via E-Mail, 22 Feb, as the course wants a confirmation on the “T” time reservations and number of foursomes. I have 6 reserved. I have a roster for this year in MS Works Spreadsheet format that I can send to anyone interested via E-Mail.
Lee & Diane Hahn
13840 E. 52 Dr. Yuma, AZ, 85367
509-679-2888 (Verizon)
E-Mail: ka7gon@msn.com.

2015 Old Cops Party in Yuma2015 Old Cops Party in Yuma, AZ


How do you get onto the website? Our website is: www.wsrdspoa.org

You need a Username and I will assign one to you.
You also will be assigned a temporary Password.
After you login, we recommend that you to go to “Profile” and change your Password. Look for the Black Bar at top of the window – right side says “Howdy, …” Now look to left side – it shows icon of “house & WSRDSPOA” – put mouse icon over WSRDSPOA – a drop-down window shows Dashboard – click on Dashboard. Dashboard opens along left side – click on “Profile”. Scroll down and make your changes – scroll to bottom and click on Blue box “Update Profile”. That should do it. This should work for adding your picture too.

If you have any trouble getting on to the website or have any questions, email or call me. Don McCabe – email: don.mccabe41@gmail.com or call 509 951-0399.


Your annual WSRDSPOA Dues are still $20.00 per year.
Please send your $20 check to:

P.O. Box 1805
Sumner, WA 98390

So how do I find my dues date?

For those who still receive the Hot Sheet via US Postal Service – check the mailing label for the year of your last dues payment.

In order to check your dues date, log onto the website – www.wsrdspoa.org
Look for the Black bar across the top. Go to ” Howdy, (Your name)” at top right. See Dropdown window.
Go to “Edit My Profile” & Click.
Scroll down and on the left side you should see “Member Dues” & Year.
If you see 2014 or 2015 you owe dues. If you see 2016 or higher – you do not owe dues. Yes, you can pay up a few years ahead, but five or ten years is not necessary.
Besides, it does not guarantee you will live that long. (If you have trouble logging onto the website – please email me: don.mccabe41@gmail.com or call 509-951-0399)

As a last resort only, you can call or email our Treasurer Tina Waddle – 253-863-9188 or tew1215@hotmail.com and she will check her records.

With WA State Legislature in session, now is not the time to get cut off for not paying your dues. Those who have a dues date of 2014 will be cutoff by April 15, 2015.
Mike Clements, President: jmclements_1@msn.com or call (509)-521-2974 (C) (509)-545-6199
Ralph Waddle, Vice President West Side: deputyduck2@gmail.com or call (253) 863-9188 (C) (243) 241-0729
Don McCabe,Vice President East Side & Website: don.mccabe41@gmail.com or call (509) 951-0399
Stan Reider, Secretary: standyr@mail.asisna.com or call (509) 725-3721 (C) 509 721-0765
Tina Waddle, Treasurer: tew1215@hotmail.com or call (253) 863-9188
Ronnie Johnston, West Side Executive Board Member: r7t9@aol.com or call (206) 595-6819
Doug Partlow, West Side Executive Board Member: dougpart@aol.com or call (509) 698-4648
Mike Chaney, West Side Executive Board Member: 6dmike@comcast.net or call (206) 926-0760
Felix Ramon, East Side Executive Board Member: framon2@dishmail.net or call (509) 762-5973
Diane Erickson, East Side Executive Board Member: derickson024@gmail.com or call (509) 255-9156
Dennis Hooper, East Side Executive Board Member: derickson024@gmail.com or call (509) 255-9156
Zbig Kasprzyk, Hot Sheet Editor, zkkasprzyk@gmail.com or call (360 825-2892

Around the Beat:

Will continue in the next issue