WACOPS Legislative Update – Week 6  2/20/15

WACOPS Legislative Update – Week 6 2/20/15

WACOPS Legislative Update 

February 20th, 2015

Sixth Week
The first cutoff day of the legislative session was today. It was the last day to pass bills out of their policy committees. Next Friday, Feb. 27th, is the next cutoff date; it’s the last day to get bills out of fiscal or transportation committees.
The majority of our priority bills have made it out of their policy committees and are on their way through the legislative process. Bills that are moving are related to Brady lists; pensions; marijuana and alcohol revenue; internet crimes against children; and the criminal justice training commission.

Department of Corrections

SB 5783 was heard and successfully voted out of committee this week. The bill would give peace officers the authority to assist DOC with supervision of offenders by allowing officers to search an offender’s person, vehicle, and property. Officers may arrest and detain offenders who violate their conditions of community release. The bill now heads to the Senate Rules committee and then to the floor for a full vote.


Alicia’s Law
  The Sen ate and House versions of Alicia’s Law successfully passed through their policy committees. They now must also get through their fiscal committees; the Ways and Means Committee in the Senate and the Appropriations Committee in the House. We will be making a push to get them out of committee before next week’s cutoff.

 Bill Report

 Click here for the bill report. It shows all the priority bills we are currently tracking.

We appreciate your input and welcome suggestions. Please feel free to contact us with questions or comments. We work for you and the greater input we get, the better we can represent you.

 Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to testify on a bill, please contact us at 1-800-887-2677 or using the information below.


200 Union Ave SE
Olympia, WA 98501