WACOPS Legislative Update – Week 11 – 3/27/15

WACOPS Legislative Update – Week 11 – 3/27/15

WACOPS Legislative Update 

March 27th, 2015

 Week 11

Week 11 is just about over and Olympia is consumed by budget talk. The House released their proposed operating and capital budgets today. We have compiled a review of budget items that relate to our interests below.
Proposed Operating Budget Summary: HERE
Proposed Operating Budget: HERE
Proposed Capital Budget Summary: HERE
Proposed Capital Budget: HERE

Budget Review

 Please keep in mind that this proposed budget is only one of many that will be proposed, negotiated, and debated until the actual and final budget is produced.

 LEOFF Plan 2 Contribution Rates: The budget fully funds the state’s share of the contribution rates.

 Alicia’s Law: $500,000 to the Internet Crimes Against Children account to fund the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and related child advocacy centers.

 Dorm Remodel: $6.7 million in the House Capital Budget to fund CJTC’s dorm renovation.

 Driving Simulator: $246,000 to continue funding the statewide advanced driving training program.

 Guardian Program: $700,000 to fund CJTC developing programs that instruct, guide, and support the Guardian philosophy.

 BLEA Funding: The budget for CJTC increased to support holding more BLEA classes.

 Crisis Intervention Training (CIT): $330,000 to fund CIT training.

 Remarriage Prohibition: $1.1 million to LEOFF Plan 2 in order to meet the state’s increased contribution rate related to HB 1194.

 Revenue Stream: There was no appropriation for the Benefit Improvement Account.

 Property Crimes

We have heard from a few members concerning SB 5755, “Addressing and mitigating the impacts of property crimes in Washington state.”  The Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs has been working the issue this session. Their position paper on the bill can be found HERE.

WACOPS Bill Report

Click here for the bill report. We appreciate your input and welcome suggestions. Please feel free to contact us with questions or comments. We work for you and the greater input we get, the better we can represent you.

 Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to testify on a bill, please contact us at 1-800-887-2677 or using the information below.


200 Union Ave SE

Olympia, WA 98501