Annual Convention
As you read in the President’s message, this year’s convention was very lightly attended. Over the last few years COVID was pretty devastating when it came to any kind of social gatherings, especially to older folks like most of us are. Unfortunately, even before COVID hit, we started seeing a drop in the numbers attending the annual convention. We would like to know why? Some folks tell us they don’t like the idea of a “campout”. As we’ve mentioned in the past, this convention is not only for those with RV’s. There are numerous motels nearby that can accommodate those who don’t camp. Again, the reason this convention is held at a campground is due to cost savings. If any of you have ever attended any kind of training or convention in a hotel, you know they are extremely expensive. You have to pay for meeting/banquet rooms, the dinner has to be purchased through the hotel. These dinners are quite spendy and not always the best food for what you pay. By using the campground, we get free meeting rooms and can plan our own dinners.
We need your input and thoughts. Do we continue with our current way of doing things? Do we just scrap the idea of an “Annual Convention’? How do we get more involvement?
Please, this is the time to let your thoughts be known. Contact the editor or anybody on the E-Board to let your thoughts be known. The E-Board members and their contact info is always listed at the end of this newsletter.
Westside Christmas Dinner
This year’s Westside Christmas dinner will be December 6, 2022 at:
Angelo’s of Burien
601 SW 153 Burien, WA. 98166
Social hour starts at 5PM with dinner to follow. Please RSVP to Betty and Dave Blum;
King County Retirement & Benefits
King County has a new Benefits, Payroll and Retirement Operations person. Her name is Grace Walthew. Any questions contact her at: 206-848-0384. Email –
LEOFF Benefit Enhancements
The following information was taken from the Washington State Department of Retirement Services Website. It is here to help you understand the LEOFF 1 & 2 benefits that will be available at the end of January 2023. This should answer any questions you have.
Aug. 29, 2022
Two laws enacted during the 2022 legislative session will change the way pension benefits are calculated for LEOFF Plan 1 and Plan 2 members. The differences between the benefit enhancements for each plan are shared below, followed by a list of frequently asked questions.
LEOFF Plan 2: tiered multiplier retirement allowance or lump-sum benefit
Additional pension benefits will apply to LEOFF Plan 2 members, retirees or beneficiaries. Members who retired on or before Feb. 1, 2021, will be given a one-time lump-sum benefit equal to $100 per service credit month earned payable by Jan. 31, 2023.
Effective Jan. 16, 2023, members new to the system after Feb. 1, 2021, who choose a tiered multiplier at retirement, will have a .5% increase added to their benefit for their service credit earned from years 16 through 25. Qualified members who joined the plan on or before Feb. 1, 2021, will be provided an irrevocable choice at retirement between the tiered multiplier retirement allowance or the lump-sum benefit.
Members who retire with a line-of-duty disability on or before Feb. 1, 2021, will receive a one-time lump-sum benefit equal to $100 per service credit month or $20,000, whichever is greater. If a LEOFF Plan 2 member dies after this law is effective but before the distribution of the lump-sum benefit takes place, the distribution will be made to their designated beneficiaries. The percentage of the payout will be the same as the member designated on their account.
If the member dies before retirement, these pension benefits will also apply to the member’s designated beneficiaries. Benefit estimates and letters created just for those affected will be mailed at the end of October 2022.
LEOFF Plan 1: Lump-sum benefit
LEOFF Plan 1 members will be eligible for a one-time lump-sum benefit equal to $100 per service credit month earned by the member. The benefit will be payable by Jan. 31, 2023. Those members who retire with a line-of-duty disability will receive a one-time lump-sum benefit equal to $100 per service credit month or $20,000, whichever is greater.
If a LEOFF Plan 1 member dies after this law is effective but before the distribution of the lump-sum benefit takes place, the distribution will be made to their designated beneficiaries.
Important dates and information about your payment options
DRS will mail estimates to affected members, retirees, or beneficiaries at the end of October 2022, to provide benefit enhancements and distribution options. To ensure you receive payment in January 2023, it is important you review this information and respond if needed as soon as possible. We will do our best to ensure payments will be received by those who are entitled by Jan. 31, 2023. However, payment may be delayed for incomplete or incorrect paperwork.
Retiring on or after November 2022? DRS will reach out to you and provide your benefit enhancement options. Your initial benefit enhancement payment will be delayed until February to allow time for your response and for us to process your choices.
DRS anticipates that system updates to accommodate these benefit enhancements will be complete in January 2023. Future retirees will be able to estimate and apply for these retirement benefits in their online accounts beginning in February 2023. DRS forms and publications will also be updated.
Frequently Asked Questions
Benefit enhancements for LEOFF Plans 1 and 2
Effective January 2023
1 – How is the tiered multiplier retirement allowance different from multipliers used to calculate LEOFF Plan 2 benefits today?
The current formula is 2% x service credit years x Final Average Salary (FAS) = monthly benefit.
In the future, the formula will be as follows for qualifying members:
2% x service credit years 1-15, 2.5% x years of service for years 16-25, 2% x 26 and beyond service credit years x FAS.
Formula comparison example:
Let’s say you work 23 years and the average of your highest months of income (FAS) is $5,400 per month.
Current formula:
2% x 23 years x $5,400 = $2,484
Future formula with the benefit multiplier applied:
2% x 15 years x $5,400 + 2.5% x 8 years x $5,400 = $2,700
If you’d like to see a rough estimate of your benefit, use one of the worksheets on this page.
2 – I was active but not retired in LEOFF Plan 2 before the bill passed and before Feb. 1, 2021. What additional pension benefits are available to me?
If you earned over 15 years of service credit, you will be eligible to make an irrevocable choice between the $100 per service credit lump-sum benefit or the tiered multiplier at the time you retire. If you retire between Feb. 1, 2021, and Oct 1, 2022, DRS will mail you a benefit estimate at the end of October 2022, notifying you of your choices and steps required to receive your benefit enhancement.
3 – I joined LEOFF Plan 2 after Feb. 1, 2021. What additional pension benefits will I be eligible for at retirement?
If you earn more than 15 years of service credit before you retire, you will receive a tiered multiplier retirement allowance.
4 – I retired before Feb. 1, 2021. What additional pension benefits are available to me?
You will receive the lump-sum benefit of $100 per service credit month that you have earned. The example below shows a lump-sum benefit calculation as if you had 180 service credit months at the time you retire.
Example: 180 x $100 = $18,000
5 – I retired with a line-of-duty disability with 180 service credit months before this legislation passed. What additional pension benefits are available to me?
Because your earned service credit results in a lump-sum payment of $18,000, you will be paid the maximum allowable lump-sum benefit of $20,000.
6 – Can I roll over the lump-sum benefit?
Yes. In most cases you can roll over the lump-sum benefit. You must ensure the rollover institution you name will accept the funds. If the rollover institution rejects the payment, DRS will make a direct payment to you. Direct payments of rollover eligible funds are subject to a mandatory withholding of 20%.
If you are receiving a lump-sum benefit that is exempt from tax withholding because you are a LEOFF member with a line-of-duty disability or you are a designated beneficiary due to the LEOFF retiree’s death, you should work with a financial planner to ensure future distributions will not become taxable if you roll these funds over to another institution.
7 – Will the Deferred Compensation Program (DCP) accept a rollover of the lump-sum benefit?
Yes. If you currently participate in DCP and your lump-sum benefit is taxable, you can roll the lump-sum benefit over to DCP.
DCP plan rules do not allow for rollovers of after-tax and tax-exempt payments. If your benefit is exempt from tax withholding, you cannot rollover your lump-sum benefit to DCP.
8 – How are the lump-sum benefits taxed?
The IRS requires a mandatory withholding of 20% for lump-sum payments. We will provide an IRS form W-4R for non-periodic payments if you wish to withhold more than 20% from the lump-sum benefit.
9 – I retired with a line-of duty disability. Will my lump-sum benefit have a mandatory withholding of 20%?
No. In this situation the tax status for lump-sum payments will be the same as the retiree’s pension payment. For example, if the monthly pension benefit of a retiree who retired for a catastrophic disability is tax free, the lump-sum payment will also be tax free.
If you are retired with a line-of-duty disability and only a portion of your monthly benefit is tax free, your lump-sum benefit will be tax free up to the $20,000 minimum payment and any amount above the $20,000 will have taxes withheld.
10 – If a retiree receives a lump-sum benefit, will their beneficiaries also receive one upon their death?
No. This is a one-time benefit payable only once to the retiree. Beneficiaries will only receive this benefit if a member dies before retirement.
11 – I am a LEOFF Plan 2 retiree who retired on or before Feb. 1, 2021. What new benefits am I eligible for?
You will be eligible for a lump-sum benefit. We will provide you with an estimate and a lump-sum benefit distribution form at the end of October 2022.
12 – I am a LEOFF Plan 2 member who will have a choice between the lump-sum benefit and tiered multiplier retirement allowance. Which option will be the default if I do not make an election?
There is no default option for this choice. You must make a choice, or we will not be able to adjust your benefit.
13 – Can a LEOFF Plan 1 retiree or beneficiary purchase an annuity with the lump-sum benefit?
No. The funds provided through these enhancements do not qualify for a DRS annuity purchase.
14 – I am not retiring until after November 2022. When can I expect to receive my benefit enhancement?
Your initial benefit enhancement payment will be delayed until February to allow time for your response and for us to process your choice.
15 – What if I have submitted or plan to submit retirement paperwork for January 2023 or later? Will DRS provide me with an updated estimate that will include my benefit enhancement options?
Yes. Once DRS has completed system updates, we will contact customers who have applied for retirement to inform them of their benefit enhancement options and provide instructions about how to receive payment. Also after system updates, future retirees will be able to use their online accounts to estimate their future benefit enhancements.
16 – Can legal orders affect my benefit enhancement?
The answer to this question depends on the plan you participate in:
LEOFF Plan 2:
LEOFF Plan 2 rules exempt the lump-sum payment from the judicial processes and taxes under RCW 41.26.053, and your lump-sum benefit will not be affected by legal orders.
The tiered multiplier retirement allowance does not have this exemption and could be affected by a legal order. If DRS has or receives a court order awarding interest to your ex-spouse or domestic partner, they may see an increase in their entitlement after the tiered multiplier is applied to your retirement benefit. For more information, please visit the Life Events – Marriage or Divorce webpage.
LEOFF Plan 1:
LEOFF Plan 1 does not exempt the lump sum from judicial process and taxes under RCW 41.26.053. DRS could be required to award an interest or split this payment with your ex-spouse or domestic partner. For more information about how your lump-sum benefit could be affected by a legal order, please visit the Life Events – Marriage or Divorce webpage.
Legal orders filed with DRS before the enactment of the lump-sum benefit enhancement do not apply to the lump-sum benefit payment. Your benefit will be paid to you unless DRS receives a new court order that awards interest to your ex-spouse or domestic partner.
Contact Us
Copyright © 2022 Washington State Department of Retirement Systems
Legislative Update
The following is only the viewpoint of your editor, not of the E-Board.
There is none! Right now not much is available out there. Once again there will be an attempt to change some of the ridiculous laws that handcuff our fellow law enforcement friends. We’ll keep you posted as we hear more.
In the mean time, GET OUT AND VOTE!! While you’re voting don’t forget who the idiots were that voted for these ridiculous laws.
John Adams
by David McCullough
David McCullough recently passed away and I thought it fitting to review one of his books. A popular historian and author, you may recognize him as the long time host of American Experience or a frequent host of Masterpiece Theater on PBS. If not the name, you would recognize his voice if you watched the Ken Burns series on the Civil War, which he narrated in its entirety.
The subject of this book, John Adams, does not enjoy the familiarity that many of his contemporaries (Washington, Jefferson, Madison, etc.) do, but, after reading this book, I found that fact unfortunate. Adam’s role in advocating American independence was apparently so significant that, when the Crown sent Admiral Richard Howe to take overall command of the British forces and instructed him to make one last attempt to negotiate a peace with the rebellious colonists, his orders stated that he was to grant amnesty to all the leaders of the revolution, with the exception of John Adams. Adams was to be hung.
As our nation’s first Vice President and our second President, it was under Adam’s watch that many of our countries institutions were formed, like the Federal Reserve system, for example. But rather than just listing dates and events, Mr McCullough gives us a very personal view of the man and his often bitterly adversarial personal relationships with many of those contemporaries named above, particularly Thomas Jefferson. In their later years, Adams and Jefferson reconciled and the letters they exchanged illustrate their remarkable resolve, intellect, and character that made such an indelible imprint on our young nation.
The book ends with an amazing revelation but I’m not going to tell you what it is. You’ll have to read the book.
WSRDSPOA Election Procedures
Fellow Members:
The Executive Board met on Sep. 17th at the Annual Convention. Among the topics discussed was the Bi-Annual election of Association Officers & Executive Board Members. Under current bylaws all elected positions are for a two year term; so all Association offices are up for reelection this year.
The election procedures will be:
Nominations: are open from the end of the Annual Convention until October 31, 2022.
Nomination Procedure: If you wish to run for any Association position please submit your information and the position you are interested in to:
Election: the election will be held from November 1 – 30, 2022. We will again use the outside computer election system called Election Buddy. All Members with emails on file will be sent an electronic ballot; which is cast via the internet. All Members without email access will be sent paper ballots.
Election Results: As soon as after December 1, 2022, ballots will be tallied and the results sent to the President; who will announce the results.
Taking office: All newly elected Officers & Executive Board Members will take office on January 1, 2023.
The following positions are up for election:
Vice-President – East and Vice-President – West
Secretary Treasurer
Member-At-Large – East (position 1) Member-At-Large – East (position 2)
Member-At-Large – West (position 1) Member-At-Large – West (position 2)
The distinction between “East” & “West” is the Cascade Crest. Candidates must reside in the area to which they seek election.
William H. Franklin. Retired Sgt. Lynden PD & Retired Deputy Whatcom County SO. Sgt William H. Franklin (08-12-41) passed away on 02-15-20. Bill was a long time Deputy on the Whatcom County SO and was also a past Sgt on the Lynden PD many years ago. Bill died from a freak accident with a knife that he was working on. He was 78 years old at the time of his passing.
Dan Ring. Retired King County deputy passed away April 2022.
Renee Moore. Wife of retired King County Capt Oliver Moore. Renee Moore passed away, peacefully, on June 24, 2022. Renee was proceeded in death by her father, Charles Henry Semken Jr, mother, Joyce Call, deceased son, Stephen, sisters, Shanna and Susan. Renee is survived by her husband, Oliver Moore, daughter Alisha Gale (husband Jared) son Matt Prinvale, brother Mike Semken (wife Francine), 5 grand children and a large network of extended family and very close friends.
Renee was born in Price Utah in 1953. She had a distinguished career working with the San Mateo County (CA) Social Services Agency before moving to Washington State where she began working in Veterinary medicine. Renee was passionate about animal welfare, health and care.
Renee was a worthy member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and led a humble life dedicated to the service of community. She was a women who loved her family and friends with all of her heart. Out of that same love, Renee gave generously and selflessly of her time to her passionate interest in animal welfare. She leaves behind a large family and group of friends who will miss her timely words, succinct advice and wonderful personality.
Robert Arthur Fenton. Retired WSP Sgt. Robert (Bob) Fenton passed away on July 26, 2022. Born in West Seattle to Hubert and Marlys Fenton. Bob was a graduate of West Seattle High School, joined the Washington State Patrol in November 1967, served in the Air Force until 1969, and then continued as a WA State Patrol Trooper/Detective/Sergeant until December 1993, at which time he retired. Bob enjoyed fishing (spent time as a commercial fisherman), boating, motorcycles, and spending time with his wife, sons, family, and friends, especially at the summer get-togethers in Lake Chelan. Bob was a beloved husband, father, brother, grandfather, uncle, brother-in-law, father-in-law and friend. He was known for his sense of humor, teasing, and love for animals, especially for his beloved dog, KW. Bob is survived by his wife of 34 years, Robin, brothers Jim (Peggy), Roy, Dean (Sharon), sons Ken (Melanie), Jason, Ryan (Alli), grandkids Jose, Nicole, Sophia, Brodi, Vinnie and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and friends. He will be missed terribly.
Laura Smith. We are saddened to announce Laura Smith, wife of retired Deputy State Fire Marshal Lyall Smith (Fire Protection Bureau) passed away, after a two-year battle with dementia, on Saturday, August 20, 2022, at the age of 70.
Paul L. Starch. Retired WSP Trooper.
Paul L. Stariha was born on October 18, 1940 in Seattle, Washington. He graduated from West Seattle High School in Seattle, Washington. Paul attended Washington State University, Central Washington University, and Shoreline Community College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Law & Justice. Paul also served in the United States Army for 2 years.
On January 24, 1966, Paul began his career with the Washington State Patrol as a Patrol Cadet in Kennewick.
On September 29, 1967, Paul was commissioned with the 40th Trooper Basic Training Class and transferred to Seattle.
On August 1, 1973, Paul transferred to Everett.
On December 21, 1981, Paul transferred to Kelso.
On June 1, 1991, Paul was placed on disability status after serving 25 years with the Washington State Patrol and to the citizens of Washington State.
Paul passed away on August 18, 2022. He is survived by his wife, Patricia; his three children, Sherri, Cindi, Troy; nine grandchildren; and three great-grandchildren.
Edwin H. White. Retired Deputy Chief of Police. November 4, 1939 – August 6, 2022
Fircrest, Washington – Saturday, August 6, 2022, Edwin H. White passed away peacefully in his home at the age of 82.
Ed was born November 4, 1939 in McComb, MI to parents Edward and Elenee.
He served in the Army for 4 years, on June 3, 1960 he married Carmen Janke and had son Steve and daughter Trace. He joined the Puyallup police department in 1967 and retired as deputy chief of police in 1993.
Ed was admired by everyone he met. He was always fair, honorable, and had a way of enchanting those around him. He loved being with family and golfing with friends.
Ed is preceded in death by parents Edward and Elenee, and daughter Trace. He is survived by wife Carmen, son Steve, sister in law Darlene and husband Don Waldbauer, granddaughters Madisen and Morgan Bentley, cousins, nieces and nephews.
Mel Mooers. Retired WSP District Commander. It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Retired District Commander Mell Mooers on August 29, 2022. After serving as a military police officer and being appointed to President Eisenhower’s security detail, Mel became part of the Washington State Patrol. He began as a license examiner, then became a trooper first in Seattle then Snoqualmie. He and his wife Karla eventually moved to Wenatchee where he served as Captain and then District Commander.
Daniel L. Bender. Retired WSP Sgt. It is with great sadness we announce the passing of Retired Sergeant Daniel L. Bender, #127, on August 16, 2022. Daniel began his WSP career on September 25, 1967 while serving as a Para Rescuer with the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War from 1964 – 1968. He was commissioned on May 24, 1968 and promoted to Sergeant on August 1, 1983. During his tenure, Daniel served in Spokane, Bellevue, Everett, Seattle and Tacoma. Daniel retired from the Washington State Patrol on June 16, 1993 after over 25 years of service with the State Patrol and the citizens of Washington State.
Daniel retired to Las Vegas, Nevada as the owner/operator of his Event Decorating business from 2005 – 2018. He is survived by his wife of 34 years, Jenny, a daughter, son-in-law, and two adult granddaughters.