Washington State Retired Deputy Sheriffs and Police Officers Association
P.O. Box 1805, Sumner, WA 98390
Joe Dawson, King Co SO
Vice Presidents
West: Ralph Waddle, King Co SO
East: Don McCabe, Spokane Co SO
Stan Reider, Lincoln Co SO
Tina Waddle, King County
Executive Board
West Members At Large:
Ron Johnston, Tukwila PD; Doug Partlow, Tukwila PD; Mike Chaney, Des Moines PD
East Members At Large:
Bob McQueen, Tukwila PD; Diane Erickson, Spokane Co SO; Dennis Hooper, Spokane PD
Meeting Schedules
Puget Sound Area
1st Tues. of the Month 11:00AM
Johnny’s At Fife Restaurant
5211 20 ST. E.
Fife, WA. 98424
11:00 AM
Spokane County
Retired Sheriff Deputies, Employees and Spouses Association
1st Monday of the Month at 11:30AM
Darcy’s Restaurant
10502 E Sprague Ave.
Spokane Valley, WA
West Side Christmas Dinner Party
Tuesday, December 5th
Johnnys At Fife
Kennewick, WA
September 13-15, 2018
Columbia Sun RV Resort
103907 Wiser Parkway
Kennewick, WA
855-833-3886 or 509-420-4880
Best Western Plus
4001 W 27th Avenue
Kennewick, WA, 99337
Phone: 509 586-1332
Greetings Members,
Convention 2017! Thanks to Doug Partlow for bringing the convention together without a hitch. The banquet was delicious and reasonably priced. The service was excellent. The speaker, Joyce Willms from the LEOFF 1 Coalition was very informative. What more could we ask for? The Pot Luck Dinner was tremendous. The Convention meetings were well attended. I do wish there were more in attendance but those that came had a good time. Putting faces to the names is always good.
We will continue to have the Conventions at the Columbia Sun RV Resort. The main reason is the facilities that they provide are free. If we met at a Convention Center we would pay for these facilities. There are hotels in the area for those who wish to stay overnight. If you wish to attend only the meetings feel free to do so. It would be good to see you.
REMEMBER! Deputies and Police Officers wives/husbands are full voting members of this association. Along these same lines I want all of you to inform the members of your families of your benefits both the medical benefits that law enforcement officers receive and the retirement benefits that you receive that are passed on to the spouse should you pass. Often we think of these two separate retirement items as one, they are not inclusive. Your Association Executive Board members continue to receive requests for information when medical care or death benefits are needed. Of course we will continue to assist anyone who contacts us. While the LEOFF 1 and LEOFF II retirement systems are different, everyone needs to know what their benefits are.
Once again, I encourage you to recruit new members to the WSRDSPO. I also encourage you to belong to other Law Enforcement Retiree organizations. It’s important that we communicate with each other. We may not always agree but deep down we are a family of retired public servants that must look out for one another.
The Washington State Legislature appears to have not made a grab for our pension excess this year, hopefully this will continue. Now is a good time (election year) to question your state legislators about their intentions regarding our funds. Remind them that you have a voter base of your families that count on them to do the right thing by keeping their hands off of our fund.
Medical Alert!! I have had two reports of members over the last three years who have had tendon ruptures of their Achilles tendon after being prescribed and using the antibiotic known as Cipro (Ciprofloxacin). Surgery and a lengthy recovery occurred in both cases. I have used it myself without any side effects but just to be sure I will ask my doctor to prescribe an alternative medication. This is just a heads-up for you to consider.
West Side Christmas Dinner
To all of you that have attended this dinner in the past and for those of you who will be attending for the first time, there is one major change. The venue has been changed from the Muckleshoot Casino to Johnny’s At Fife. The reason for the change is the Casino has upped dinner prices to $48 per person and now requires the Association to get a head count and pay up front. Johnny’s will give us a few selected options from their menu. Please contact Dale Havens at
havensdd@q.com or 253-854-1513 to make your reservations.
For those of you that were at the convention there was some confusion about the dues and the amount. All of that is a mute point as the amount of the dues is written in our by-laws. Because of that they cannot be raised by a vote of the E-board. Per the By-Laws the motion has to be made then presented to the membership and also presented at two membership meetings, east and west. The membership will then vote on the by-law change at the next convention. The motion was made to raise the annual dues to $30 at a membership meeting earlier this year, the by-law change will be written up and sent out to the membership so we can vote on it at the 2018 convention.
2017 Convention
This year’s convention was again held at Columbia Sun RV Resort. The resort folks treat us extremely well during our stay there. As Joe mentioned in his president’s letter we will continue to use them for next year’s convention. Those of us that attended had a great time. The campers had several get-togethers at different campsites. We all had a chance to renew old friendships and make new ones. Everyone had a great time and will be coming back next year. We had a good mix of both LEOFF1 and LEOFF2 folks there. Our main wish is that more of our members would attend. For those that do not camp there are several hotels nearby.
The annual golf tournament was fun for those who golf, and this year’s winner was John Wood, with his new bride, Barb, giving everyone a run for the money.
The convention dinner was great as usual thanks to the Canyon Lakes golf course. This year’s guest speaker was Joyce Willms from the LEOFF1 Coalition. Joyce did a nice job explaining to all what went on last year with the LEOFF1 and TERS 1 merger plot. As you all know it never made it anywhere but that does not mean that it is dead. Joyce is sure that it will rear its ugly head once again this year. Joyce was pretty emphatic that everyone know who your state Senators and Representatives are and make sure you contact them and let them know your displeasure with them attacking your LEOFF1 pension plan. Don’t forget this November you will be voting on some Representative and Senator positions. Before you vote find out who supports the merger and who doesn’t.
The LEOFF2 folks were told they should keep in touch with what is going on in Olympia. One way to do this is to attend the LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board’s monthly meetings in Olympia. These meetings are open to the public.
On Friday we had lunch at the CG Public House restaurant, at night we had a fun potluck dinner with plenty of food and many great dishes. On Saturday we all got together for dinner at a nearby Mexican restaurant and finished off with a good time around a campfire at the RV resort. Next year’s convention is already scheduled for September 13-15. Get your reservations in ASAP, we would love to see you all there.
Deadly Force Remains a Hot Topic for WACOPS Late into Summer
For more than 50 years, the Washington Council of Police and Sheriffs has been committed to supporting those who have dedicated their careers to protect and serve our communities as law enforcement officers by providing legislative representation, insurance products, and professional support.
WACOPS is recognized as the largest, oldest and most influential organization representing law enforcement in our state, representing nearly 4,500 members statewide.
Throughout entire deadly force discussion that has been ongoing for the past few years, WACOPS has remained committed to reducing violent interactions between law enforcement and the public. By both words and actions, this organization has engaged with anyone and everyone who could have the ability to cause change in Washington’s deadly force statute.
Still, reaction to this may include such feedback as:
- “I heard that WACOPS is selling us out on the deadly force law.”
- “WACOPS is working behind our backs with legislators and the Governor to increase prosecutions of police officers.”
- “There is nothing we can do to stop an initiative, so the only thing to do is to oppose any bill.”
There’s no shortage of uninformed opinions floating around the law enforcement community that are harmful and don’t have a basis in reality.
It is the intent of the WACOPS Board to provide an accurate timeline beginning in early 2016, and the rationale for actions taken by the organization and your respective agencies. Throughout the process, WACOPS and lobbyist team members have taken an engaged approach in order to protect our members and actually still have a voice when (not if) the deadly force statute is changed.
Several bills introduced in 2015 and 2016 attempted to paint law enforcement as hostile aggressors in interactions with the public and in need of criminal prosecution.
HB2908 (introduced in 2016 and which established the
Joint Legislative Taskforce on Deadly Force in Community Policing) required several amendments and legislator hand-holding to remove several presumptions and to change the intent of the task force to reducing violent interactions between law enforcement and the public instead of a mandate to suggest a deadly force law change. Unfortunately, a “bully-majority” on the task force ignored that part of its responsibility!
We do not believe, today or at any time during this debate, that changing the
“malice / good faith” portion of the deadly force law will reduce violent
interactions between law enforcement and the public…
As the task force was forming and preparing to meet,
I-873 was introduced as an initiative to the 2017 Legislature attempting to remove “malice and good faith” language from the law enforcement protections. While I-873 failed to receive enough signatures to qualify, it did allow its advocates a dry run to determine what would or wouldn’t work in the next attempt. Those lessons included bill writing, fund-raising, messaging and media relations.
We have previously described the dysfunction of the task force, and provide the
final report and the full video account of the
task force meetings. It is important to note that WACOPS was unified with other rank-and-file LEO groups in adopting the WACOPS written opposition to any statute change to the task force at the end of 2016. We were not under any illusion that opposition would be effective as a long-term or permanent solution. It was a
strategic position leading into the 2017 legislative session and highlighted that the task force had failed in its charge to propose policies to reduce violent interactions between law enforcement and the public.
It is worth noting that WACOPS was diligent in communicating with legislators that the task force did not do its job, and when bills (
SB5000) were introduced in the 2017 session to enact the task force recommendations (bills to remove “good-faith and malice”), we were able to convince the chairmen of those committees to not even allow hearings on those bills.
The bills that did receive hearings were never supported by WACOPS and when testifying, WACOPS was either opposed or “with concerns” in order to keep a seat at the table should a bill reach a point that it could pass.
At the January 2017 WACOPS Winter Membership Meeting Legislative Conference, our members explained the flaws in changing the deadly force statute to their respective legislators and at the evening reception. More than two hours was even spent in talks with a freshman legislator who had sponsored one of the bad bills.
On the final day of the event, our assembled delegates delivered a clear message to our Government Relations Committee (GRC) that should an initiative or law change become inevitable, negotiating acceptable language furnished by our labor attorneys would be a preferred outcome.
…unfortunately, history, politics and current events indicate that a
change is inevitable and law enforcement will be best
served by influencing the final product.
Considering the amount of national coverage on deadly force incidents, the flawed recommendations of the task force, and the effective painting of Washington’s statute as an “outlier”, it was not surprising that several news outlets (
KING) listed deadly force changes as one of the top items for legislators to address (along with school funding) in 2017. WACOPS briefed the leadership in all four caucuses in both the House and the Senate detailing WACOPS’ concerns early in 2017.
Related bills that have been introduced
On January 31, the House Public Safety Committee had public hearings on
HB1529 and
HB1769. WACOPS hosted a preparatory meeting in order to coordinate testimony prior to the hearing.
The intent of the committee chairman was to find acceptable deadly force statute language and to fund increased training and less-than-lethal resources. WACOPS and the other LEO groups testified to the concerns with the Washington Association of Prosecuting Attorneys (WAPA) provided deadly force statute language. Because of intense lobbying by WACOPS and due to relationships in the House, no bill moved out of committee because of our objections.
The announcement of a February 2 hearing on
SB5073 and
SB 5429 came as a surprise considering the statement in this
Nov. 27, 2016 article that the Senate would not likely have a hearing until the House sent them a bill.
WACOPS and the other LEO groups testified as they did in the House but the committee passed SB5073 out on February 16 and sent it to the fiscal committee as a work in progress where it had a public hearing the following week. February 22 was the last day that any deadly force bills had any “official” action in the regular or any of the special sessions this year. As will be laid out later, winning this battle (killing all deadly force bills in 2017) makes it much harder to win the war!
Along with the above legislative hearing actions, both the WACOPS lobbyist and director were having regular communication to keep lines open throughout the legislative session with leadership, committee chairmen and bill sponsors. Additionally, WACOPS took part in meetings with the Attorney General’s staff and the Governor and his staff.
Progress was made in those meetings, and both offices agreed that the task force proposal to remove both “malice” and “good-faith” was bad policy that they would not support. This was a critical victory because the advocates for the change were critical to both of their election victories.
The efforts of the WACOPS GRC and lobbying team were greatly complicated by the dueling objectives of avoiding a bad initiative that could/would get the necessary signatures and staying united with the other LEO groups.
In late January, WACOPS asked attorneys that are trusted by law enforcement (Julius, Aitchison) for legal opinion to evaluate existing proposals and if they had alternatives that they would suggest. Will Aitchison provided one potential alternative to the existing “malice/good faith” language and Jeff Julius provided three.
As an additional step, WACOPS sent the same request to the (criminal law) attorney used by SPOG for inquests with similar results to the earlier attorneys.
Ultimately, all three agree that the existing statute shouldn’t be changed and the legislative proposals to date are all flawed — but if it is changed, there are language options that will protect officers that make honest mistakes. WACOPS provided our fellow LEO groups (FOP, COMPAS and Troopers/WSPTA) with the legal opinions that we had obtained.
LEO groups met together on a few occasions before and during the legislative session, and while all four groups opposed bills and amendments that were introduced, only the Troopers and WACOPS made efforts with legislators to come to agreement on language provided by our attorney(s) that could have either caused an initiative to be withdrawn or to eliminate many would-be initiative supporters by resolving the issue in the legislature. Solid evidence today suggests that not addressing this issue during this legislative session will be very costly … and not just to our wallets.
Initiative I-940 poses challenges to the process
Successful initiatives require three components:
- An actual or perceived need for policy change
- A compelling narrative or story that convinces the public that the initiative is worth passing even if there are negative consequences, and
- The financial resources to collect signatures and for advertising that compels voters to check the “yes” box.
When it comes to
I-940, regardless of the negative and unintended consequences, the chances for passage are high. The WACOPS legislative team (along with dealing with the various bills before the legislature) has been utilizing long-term relationships to gauge the content of and potential of passage for any deadly force initiative.
What was able to be determined is that, regardless of validity, the forces that created the flawed task force recommendations have all three components.
How did the sponsors of I-940 determine that the public supported a deadly force policy change? They hired a reputable East Coast polling firm to ask a bunch of questions of voters.
What they found was that if they asked the question the right way, there was overwhelming support to change the deadly force statute. Yes, even 60% of Republican men (what is generally our most supportive demographic) support changing the deadly force statute if the question is asked the right way.
Sprinkle in some independent investigations, some first aid and training dollars, and you have an initiative that appears to be wildly popular.
During the 2017 session, a group of Microsoft executives traveled 75 miles south to Olympia to meet with legislators. While a normal person might expect Microsoft representatives to want to talk about regulations and tax breaks, it was discovered that they also wanted to talk about the deadly force statute.
Athletes, young professionals, entrepreneurs – they all seem to want to make a big splash outside of their primary focus. Unfortunately, with little effort to fully understand the issue, many people have taken sides. Many with money have decided that changing the deadly force statute should be their cause.
From what we have been able to find out, the I-940 campaign plan has a budget of $875,000 for signature gathering, and if successful, they have pledges for another $4M for the actual campaign. At publication time, the group has raised $175,000.
The last ingredient for a successful campaign is a compelling narrative or story. Remember, the proponents of I-940 don’t have to put all of the evidence before the voters of Washington; they can use their campaign dollars and innuendo to paint a very false and negative picture and may choose to use only the snippets of the videos that make law enforcement look bad.
Their very expensive campaign can use video from anywhere in the country, so one bad-looking incident from the other coast or the south or anywhere right before the election would be run-on-a-loop on the news and almost impossible to rebut with evidence that isn’t in yet.
In summary
To recap, deadly force proponents seem to have positive polling that voters would support changing the deadly force law. They appear to have the financial resources to run a successful campaign, and they will find video “evidence” to justify the change at the local and national level.
You may have seen signature gatherers out collecting already, and they might even suggest that I-940 is
a way to support law enforcement. Unfortunately, these deceptive practices are in fact
not against the law and in the past the courts have sided with petitioners’ right to say what they want with an expectation that the voters will figure out the truth.
The I-940 group must have 259,622 valid signatures by December 29. Because of duplicate and invalid signatures, the campaign will likely be striving for 320,000. If the campaign meets its fundraising goal, they will get enough signatures and after validation I-940 will be submitted to the legislature where they will have three options:
- Pass it, as-is, and it becomes law
- Do nothing- and it goes before the voters in November 2018, or
- Pass an alternative- and both I-940 and the alternative go on the ballot in November 2018
For now, we don’t know which party is going to soon be in charge of the Senate and/or House. It is very unlikely that the House will change parties, and there is a very high likelihood that it will still be 50-48 and in Democratic control. The Senate is much harder to read, but with the Democrat in the 45th LD winning the Primary by 10 percent, it is more likely than not that the Senate will switch to Democratic control.
Why bring this up? Because it guides our steps today and into the 2018 legislative session. Your legislative team is communicating even today with legislators in anticipation of the work that will be done starting this January.
Regardless of which party/parties are in charge next year, work must begin immediately to prepare for the next legislative session. Should I-940 come before the legislature (very likely), a united law enforcement community must develop an acceptable alternative and go to work to get 25 votes in the Senate and 50 in the House along with the signature of the Governor! It is a tall order, but it can be done.
After that will be a campaign, but unless a united law enforcement community can begin to change the public perception starting this fall and winter, that underfunded campaign will be a true long-shot.
And as always, stay tuned to
wacops.org for more information.
Recipe of the Day
Once again at our convention the discussion was had about sharing recipes. There were many great ones at the potluck, here is only one. Please send me your favorite recipes so I can include them in the Hot Sheet. It would be nice if we could eventually publish a WSRDSPOA cookbook.
1 cup water
½ cup butter (no substitutes)
¼ t. salt
1 cup flour
4 eggs
1- 8 oz. package cream cheese, softened
2- 3.4 oz. packages instant vanilla pudding mix
3 cups cold milk
1- 12 oz. carton frozen whipped topping, thawed
Chocolate syrup
In a saucepan over medium heat, bring water, butter and salt to a boil. Add flour all at once; stir until a smooth ball forms. Remove from the heat; let stand for 5 minutes. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well with a wooden spoon after each addition. Beat until smooth. Spread into a greased 13″ x 9″ x 2″ baking pan. Bake at 400 degrees for 30-35 minutes or until puffed and golden brown. Cool completely on a wire rack. If desired, remove puff from pan and place on a serving platter. In a mixing bowl, beat cream cheese, pudding mix and milk until smooth. Spread over puff; refrigerate for 20 minutes. Spread with whipped topping; refrigerate. Drizzle with chocolate syrup just before serving. Refrigerate leftovers. Yield: 12 servings.
While we were at the convention we had the chance to meet with members of an organization called ‘TEAM RUBICON’. Team Rubicon is made up of mainly veterans and first responders. They respond to all disasters, man made or acts of God, in both the US and around the world. At the time of the convention they had over 500 members deployed to the Houston area and were doing a recon of Florida. To quote what they say in their flier, “Is it a disaster response organization? A veteran-focused enterprise? The truth is it’s both. Team Rubicon is the only disaster response organization that repurposes the skills of military veterans while providing them an opportunity to continue their service. For many veterans, this continued service provides the elements of Purpose and Community that often are difficult to find after taking off the uniform. These intangibles are extremely helpful in creating a successful transition from military to civilian life.”
At the convention a motion was made and passed to donate $2000 to Team Rubicon. The vote was unanimous. WSRDSPOA will be donating $2000 to Team Rubicon. For more information on Team Rubicon you can check out their web site at: teamrubiconusa.org.
William Farrell Lusher, (Bill) King County Sheriff’s Dept. Passed away July 8th. Bill was a former President of the WSRDSPOA. Bill was very active as president. He was always improving the Association. No cause of death was given. Bill was 75 years of age. Bill was a great family man. He leaves behind his wife Penny, three adult children, and six grandchildren.
Michael J. Boylan, Issaquah P.D. Mike came to the U.S. in 1957 after being in the British Army. Mike also joined the U.S Army becoming a U.S. Citizen in 1961. He served in the King County Sheriff’s Office, Seattle P.D. and SeaTac Airport Police before retiring from the City of Issaquah P.D. Mike also was a King County superior court bailiff after retirement. He then worked for the U.S. Marshal’s office. He leaves behind three daughters. Mike was preceded in death by his first wife Barbara and survived by his second wife Marina.
George W. Rawlings, retired from Kennewick P.D. George passed away this past December. He is survived by his wife, Susan.
Welcome to our newest members.
Barb Wood King County Sheriff’s Office
Barb is LEOFF 2 and retired in 2010. She is the new bride to member John Wood. Barb loves to golf, travel, family and having fun.
Edwin F. and Roberta Johnson King County Sheriff’s Office
Ed is LEOFF 2 and retired in 2013. The lovely couple has been married for 48 years, have two children and two grandchildren. In his spare time Ed likes to restore old vehicles and show them off at car shows. He also likes to work in the yard.
Peter B. and Jenny Sheridan King County Sheriff’s Office
Pete is LEOFF 2 and loves to travel, ski, hike and do nothing.
Humor Corner
A husband and wife are on the 9th green when suddenly she collapses from a heart attack.
“Help me dear,” she groans to her husband.
The husband calls 911 on his cell phone, talks for a few minutes, picks up his putter, and lines up his putt.
His wife raises her head off the green and stares at him.
“I’m dying here and you’re putting?”
“Don’t worry dear,” says the husband calmly, “they found a doctor on the second hole and he’s coming to help you.
“Well, how long will it take for him to get here?” she asks feebly.
“No time at all,” says her husband. “Everybody’s already agreed to let
him play through.”
We have had a problem with members being “Unsubscribed” when they did not ask to be “Unsubscribed”.
I called Constant Contact and explained my problem of members being “Unsubscribed” without asking to be. Their explanation is that when a member receives an email and wants to forward it to a friend, if for some reason, that friend hits the “Unsubscribe” button, the friend and the Member are “Unsubscribed”.
So, Constant Contact added a “Forward this Email” button. It is located just below the “Green” block near the bottom of the email. When you use this button to forward the email to a friend, if the friend were to “Unsubscribe”, it will not “Unsubscribe” you. So you are strongly encouraged to use this new “Forward to a Friend” button.
So we will try that new button and see what happens.
If you want to “Unsubscribe”, please call or email me and I’ll take you off the mailing list. I reiterate, Please do not use the “SafeUnsubscribe” button.
You need a Username and I will assign one to you.
You also will be assigned a temporary Password.
After you login, we recommend that you to go to “Profile” and change your Password. Look for the Black Bar at top of the window – right side says “Howdy, …” Now look to left side – it shows icon of “house & WSRDSPOA” – put mouse icon over WSRDSPOA – a drop-down window shows Dashboard – click on Dashboard.
Dashboard opens along left side – click on “Profile”.
Scroll down and make your changes – scroll to bottom and click on Blue box “Update Profile”. That should do it. This should work for adding your picture too.
If you have any trouble getting on to the website or have any questions, email or call me. Don McCabe – email:
don.mccabe41@gmail.com or call 509 951-0399.
TIME for 2018 DUES
Your annual WSRDSPOA Dues are still $20.00 per year, but we are trying to change the By-Laws to increase dues to $30 per year. For those who have paid their dues several years ahead, you will be credited up to the last year you paid for, then you will have to pay the increase.
Please send your $20 check to:
P.O. Box 1805
Sumner, WA 98390
So how do I find my dues date?
For those who still receive the Hot Sheet via US Postal Service – check the mailing label for the year of your last dues payment.(It is suppose to be above your name)
Look for the Black bar across the top. Go to ” Howdy, (Your name)” at top right.
See Dropdown window.
Go to “Edit My Profile” & Click.
Scroll down and on the left side you should see “Member Dues” & Year.
If you see 2015 or 2016 you owe dues. If you see 2018 or higher – you
do not owe dues. Yes, you can pay up a few years ahead, but five or ten years is not necessary. Besides, it does not guarantee you will live that long. (If you have trouble logging onto the website – please email me:
don.mccabe41@gmail.com or call 509-951-0399)
As a
last resort only, you can call or email our Treasurer Tina Waddle – 253-863-9188 or
tew1215@hotmail.com and she will check her records.
Ronnie Johnston,
West Side Executive Board Member: r7t9@aol.com or call (206) 595-6819
Doug Partlow,
West Side Executive Board Member:
dougpart@aol.com or call (509) 698-4648