Dietmar (Joe) & Helen Buda and
mary are now friends 3 years, 1 month ago
mary changed their profile picture 10 years, 6 months ago
mary changed their profile picture 10 years, 6 months ago
mary's profile was updated 10 years, 6 months ago
mary changed their profile picture 10 years, 6 months ago
mary created the group
General Questions 10 years, 8 months ago
mary changed their profile picture 10 years, 8 months ago
mary wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
mary wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
mary wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
WSRDSPOA sent out an email to the membership and we received a “failure notice” on your email address. We believe we have fixed the problem or found a current e-mail for you.
If you received this email, please “Reply” to the sender. If we do not receive a reply from you, we will have to assume you didn’t receive it, and block your access to the website until we have your correct email address.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Gerry Drake
WSRDSPOA Administrator
mary wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
These ball markers really turned out nice with our County / City logo’s on each side. These markers make great gifts for golfers and friends. Cost $1.75 each.
To order Contact Joe Dawson
Email: j […]
mary wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Get them directly from Joe Dawson for $3.00 each.
To order, contact Joe Dawson
Email: jsdawson@comcast.net
Cell: 425 392-4361
mary wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Your Lapel Pin – $2.50 each. (5/8″ x 1″)
To Order Contact: Joe Dawson
Email: jsdawson@comcast.net
Cell: 425 392-4361
mary wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Inside Stickers – FREE Outside Stickers – $1.00
There are two kinds of stickers. If the original stickers are still available – they are for the inside of the rear window. They are “Free” while the supplies last. With all of the new cars coming out with tinted windows, it made it hard for the old stickers to be visible through the tint. So we now have stickers for application on the outside of the rear window – these stickers cost $1.00 each. Most of the Association officers have them. If you attend the local meetings, you can get the stickers at the meetings. If you don’t have access to local meetings, stickers can be mailed to you in a “stamped self-addressed envelope – at least 4″ x 4 1/4”, just contact any of the Association officers.
mary wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
Available in Sheriff Green or Police Blue
Joe & Joyce Dawson currently have a large number of these hats on hand and they are for sale for: $10.00
Contact Joe or Joyce Dawson
425 392-4361
mary wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
The challenge coins we designed are currently available to our members as keepsakes, trading to other departments and gifts. They are of a nice quality and sell at a relatively good price of $5.00 each. […]
mary wrote a new post 10 years, 8 months ago
The money clips are made utilizing our current challenge coins – you can order either the Sheriff or City Police side.
The price is $5.00.
To order, call or contact Joe Dawson
Email: jsda […]
mary wrote a new post 14 years, 3 months ago
September-October, 2010
WashingtonState Retired Deputy Sheriffs and Police Officers Association
P.O. Box 1805, Sumner, WA98390
Email: oldcops@juno.com Website: http://www.wsrdspoa.org
Joe Dawson, King County SO
Vice Presidents
West: Ralph Waddle, King County SO East: Don McCabe, Spokane County SO
Secretary: Joyce Dawson, King County
Treasurer: Tina Waddle, King County
Executive Board Members At Large
West: Gerry Drake, King County SO & Doug Partlow, Tukwila PD
East: Mike Clements, Richland PD & John McGregor, Spokane County SO
Meeting Schedules
Puget Sound Area
Second Tues. of the Month
December 7th (Night)
Great American Casino,14040 Interurban Ave. So. Tukwila, Wa
January 11, 2011
Black Bear Restaurant, 32065 Pacific Hwy So
Federal Way, WA
11:30 AM
Retired Deputy Sheriffs and Employees
The first Monday of the month – 11:30AM
Marie Callenders
2111 N Argonne Rd
The Convention was held at the Yakama Cultural Center. Our Guest speaker for the Saturday meeting was Joe Fischnaller, our attorney. He informed us of our medical benefits. He reviewed what the state law includes as “basic benefits” and how to exercise those benefits when needed. There are those employers that have refused to grant medical benefits to retirees after a local Disability Board has approved a claim. This is contrary to the law and usually results in the employer being corrected by a lawsuit. It is important for you, the retiree, to follow the procedure set forth by your individual Disability Board. Our speaker for the Friday Banquet was the Sheriff of Yakima County, Ken Irwin. Sheriff Irwin, accompanied by his wife Kathy, described several new methods he’s using to combat the recruitment of young citizens into gangs in the county. He is experiencing success and feels that the use of former gang members to expose the true gang life is working. His presentation was well received. Sheriff Irwin was up for re-election and won by a 73% margin. Joe DawsonChristmas Dinner Meeting
Tuesday December 7th, 2010
(note this is the 1st Tuesday of the month)
The Christmas Dinner meeting will be at the Great American Casino 14040 Interurban Ave. S. Tukwila, WA Dinner will be in the banquet room with the no host bar opening at 5pm. It will be a buffet dinner to include Baron of Beef and Chicken. The cost at this time is $30 per person including tax and gratuity. Dinner will start at 6:15. Hopefully Santa will make an appearance. To put your name on the list,contact Joe or Joyce Dawson 425-392-4361. Leave a Message. We need to know how many are coming.
Our Website is almost 11 months old and we are approaching nearly 8600 visits by our members. I hope that everyone likes our website. We are always open to suggestions for improvements. It is YOUR website, so let’s make it better. Here are a few statistics for us to consider: We have 561 members entered onto the website. We have 158 members with no current email address. We have 381 members with current email address. Only 162 members have ever been online to the website since we started last January. 399 members have never been online to the website. Of that number 158 members don’t have a current email address (assume no computer) that leaves 241 members (assume with a computer) have never been online to the website. Of the 162 members that have been online since we started in January, only 44 members have been online since 9/1/2010. Just a reminder after you login, PLEASE take the time to go to the “Members Info” tab and click on the “My Profile” tab. You are also encouraged to change your temporary Username & Password and furnish the other information to share with your fellow members. YOUR INFORMATION CAN BE SEEN ONLY BY FELLOW MEMBERS AND WILL NOT BE SHARED WITH ANYONE OUTSIDE OF THE ASSOCIATION. Also, please keep your Email Address current.That way you won’tmiss any important emails or the Hot Sheet. With the association’s website established online, we are sending the Hot Sheet via e-mail. If you didn’t get it via e-mail, we apparently don’t have a correct e-mail address for you. If that is the case, please provide us with your current e-mail address. Additionally, if you did receive it via e-mail, soon you will not receive the Hot Sheet via USPS, unless you specifically request USPS. We have to cutback on our Printing & Postage expenses. If you don’t have an email address, you will continue to receive via USPS. If you need assistance, contact the website administration: Don McCabe – email: don.mccabe41@gmail.com or call 509 951-0399 Gerry Drake – email: sadsack@cheerful.com or call 206 321-1952“Life Behind the Badge”, Spokane Law Enforcement History
I was given the opportunity at the convention, in September, to talk about the volumes of “Life Behind the Badge,” that I have the distinct privilege of being involved in. John McGregor is also a part of this committee of a very dedicated group of people, writing about the development of our area when it was a territory, and how law enforcement evolved with our history, with authenticity…..however….. Let me take you back to my early years when I developed a love for law enforcement and still hold that passion. When I was a teen ager and working as a car hop, the city police always drove in our drive-ins to eat. They got to be our heroes of course, looking very handsome and strong in their uniforms sitting in their patrol cars. We gals would get off work around 12:00 a.m., and these special guys would always drive us home to keep us safe. Always very nice and polite and I guess, somewhat protective. I also grew up in a home that honored law enforcement and was always to respect them and their job and that they were indeed, our protectors and friend. As time went on and I started experiencing life, I met a wonderful man named Russ Erickson, and guess what, he was a deputy sheriff. My life couldn’t have been more complete. I was involved with our association through the years; Russ was on the W.S.R.D.S.P.O.A. executive board for ten years and our local assoc. president for two years, still working alongside him. He’s gone now, but I’m still involved in several ways and now in writing this book about our heroes of law enforcement, is a dream come true. “Life Behind the Badge” Volume I takes us from 1881 – 1903, The Founding years. Volume II, The Turbulent Years, 1903 -1923. We now have just started the third volume titled Years of Rebellion and Reform, 1923 – 1944. We will be writing and publishing these volumes to current times. The proceeds from these books will be our base for the future volumes. I have been blessed to be involved with this wonderful venture and to be involved with all of you. Diane Erickson, Spokane CountyW.S.R.D.S.P.O.A. BYLAWS CHANGE
It was approved at the last General Meeting that LEOFF Plan II retirees may now join our Association as Associate Members. This will hopefully cause more retirees to join our association.
As of now there is no longer a 1-800 telephone number for the Association. It was just too expensive for the amount of use. 47 cents worth of calls was costing the WSRDSPOA approximately $80 per month. We will be instituting a contact list for those of us who do not have email. Hopefully someone you know will assist you in contacting the association. Most of your Executive Board Members have volunteered to provide a phone number for you to call. Hopefully you will have a representative nearby that will limit long distance calling for those who can’t afford a call. We will do our best to assist you with questions you may have or services you may need. Joe Dawson, President:jsdawson@comcast.net or call (425) 392-4361 (C) (206) 817-8376 Joyce Dawson, Secretary: jsdawson@comcast.net or call (425) 392-4361 Ralph Waddle, Vice President West Side: deputyduck2@comcast.net or call (253) 863-9188 (C) (243) 241-0729 Tina Waddle, Treasurer: tew1215@hotmail.com or call (253) 863-9188 Don McCabe,Vice President East Side & Website Administrator: don.mccabe41@gmail.com or call (509) 951-0399 Gerry Drake, West Side Executive Board Member & Co-Administrator: sadsack@cheerful.com or call (206) 321-1952 Mike Clements, East Side Executive Board Member: jmclements_1@msn.com or call (509)-521-2974 or (509)-545-6177 Doug Partlow, West Side Executive Board Member: dougpart@aol.com or call (509)-698-4648 John McGregor, East Side Executive Board Member: mcgregor321@comcast.net or call (509)-327-2301
Retired Public Employees Sue in Three States – Trial Delayed
By Jerry Taylor, Webmaster/Editor LEOFF1.NET
Published 09/21/2010
Over the last couple of weeks there has been increased media coverage of pension lawsuits in Minnesota, Colorado and South Dakota. The publicity was triggered by the trial that was to begin in Minnesota on September 15th. This was to be the first hearing of these cases. At issue was a motion by the State of Minnesota for dismissal of the suit. The judge denied the motion and gave the plaintiffs 90 days to provide arguments as to why their suit should not be dismissed. As the Minnesota lawsuit – the first of three in the nation challenging state legislation changing current public pension benefits –proceeds through, every other state will be watching. The outcome could lead others to follow or stop a movement in its tracks. The legal battle in Minnesota will test the ability of states to change benefits of current retirees. The outcome could prompt other cash-strapped states to follow suit or grind a fleeting movement to a sharp halt. “I think a lot of people will be closely following what happens in Minnesota,” said Katie Kaufmanis, director of communications for Colorado Public Employees’ Retirement System. Spurred by the deepest recession since the Great Depression, states around the country are scaling back retirement benefits estimated to be at least $1 trillion and possibly more than $8 trillion underfunded. While most states that overhauled pensions trimmed benefits for future hires, Minnesota, Colorado and South Dakota passed legislation that trimmed cost of living adjustments for current recipients. The Pew Center on the States reported this year that in eight states, at least one-third of the future pension obligations for all public employees, including teachers, are unfunded. As of 2008, Pew said, state and local governments had pension obligations totaling $3.35 trillion — $1 trillion of that not covered by the future stream of government and employee contributions specified under current law. Only four states — Florida, New York, Washington, and Wisconsin — had fully funded pension systems as of 2008. Minnesota lowered its 2.5 percent COLA to a rate ranging from 1 to 2 percent, depending on the plan, for the majority of the 65,000 retirees, and suspended COLA for retirees in the Teachers Retirement Association for two years, according to the lawsuit. Plans are scheduled to resume the 2.5 percent rate once they are 90 percent funded. Colorado suspended its 3.5 percent COLA earlier this year, as state projections showed its retirement system bankrupt by 2029 even if the system met it’s 8.5 percent assumed return rate, while South Dakota reduced its COLA from 3.1 percent to 2.1 percent in July. Retirees in all three states have filed suit, and first on the docket is Minnesota. The lawsuit, filed May 17th 2010 contends that plaintiffs, upon retiring, “acquired vested rights to their pensions, including the right to statutory post-retirement adjustments to their pension benefits.” State officials say the solvency of state pensions is at stake. “The state passed legislation based on the severe drop in the market,” Minnesota State Retirement System Executive Director Dave Bergstrom said. “We wanted to make sure our plans are sustainable.” The lawsuit comes as states and municipalities are scrambling to shore up budget deficits, with some proposing selling off assets such as zoos, parking lots, airports and water supplies to plug budget holes, according to the Wall Street Journal. With states facing a $90 billion budget gap next year and ballooning long-term pension obligations, officials in several states indicated they would be watching the outcome in Minnesota. But some pension experts say the case may not have a sweeping affect, whatever its outcome.” Two retired public employees filed a class action suit May 17th 2010 against Minnesota officials, protesting pension cuts that the Legislature approved last week. The suit, filed in Ramsey County District Court, contends that the changes violate the retirees’ contractual rights to benefits that were promised when they retired. The changes are part of a larger pension package that Gov. Tim Pawlenty signed into law. Legislators acknowledged that workers and governments will pay higher contributions and that future increases in retiree benefits will be curtailed under the pension overhaul, which is intended to avert a more expensive bailout later. The entire package affects 716,000 state and local government employees and retirees. But the lawsuit only affects about 65,000 former public employees who already have retired and are receiving pensions, said Susan Coler, an attorney representing the former employees. The suit alleges that millions of dollars in promised benefits are at stake. Under the Public Employees’ Retirement Association of Minnesota, a retired employee who receives an annual $30,548 pension this year could lose about $28,000 in anticipated benefits over the next decade because of the changes.
Pension Ruling Postponed
September 15, 2010
The state asked the judge to dismiss the suit, saying the Legislature has periodically altered public pension increases for retirees to keep retirement funds solvent. Legislation approved this spring curtailed future pension increases but didn’t cut current benefits. The suit, filed by retirees in Ramsey County District Court, said the legislation violated their pension rights. The benefit changes were part of a package intended to rescue state pension funds from financial trouble. While the package effects more than 700,000 state and local government employees and retirees, the lawsuit is on behalf of about 65,000 former public employees who already have retired. Ramsey County District Judge Gregg Johnson on Wednesday gave the plaintiffs 90 days to gather information in support of their argument that the suit shouldn’t be dismissed. “It was clear to me that the judge wanted to make a decision on a complete record and did not want to rule prematurely,” said Susan Coler, an attorney for the retirees.Around the Beat: by Gerry Drake Jim Lapham, Renton PD, wants to remind anyone coming to Maui, that if you are a golfer, get hold of him and play for half price at the Elleair Maui Golf Club in Kihei. (808) 874-0777. Bob Andrews, King County, says the weather is warm and the pool is waiting for you in Yuma. He and Shirley can be reached at Bomouse@aol.com .and they are in the phone book in Yuma. They have had to cancel their annual party but welcome guests. Warren Roice, King County, reports that he and Mary are back down in Lake Havasu for the winter with the rest of the gang, and have been doing some traveling and a fair bit of golfing. Bob McDermott, King County Arson, has really been through the wringer, medically over the past several months, but is making pretty good progress with a lot of help from Kay. Report as of Halloween, he advises he has to wear his cervical collar for somewhere between another month and a year, and is progressing well, but is on some pretty heavy meds that keeps him feeling dopey. He started with tingling in his hands about a year ago and it progressed through numbness in the arms and beyond. He ended up having surgery on his neck to repair damage from a broken neck. He has no idea how long ago it occurred. He does get out, but uses a cane, at WalMart, or a shopping cart. Tim Kenyon, King County, had his stomach removed on September 20th, after several months of chemotherapy at home in Tonasket for stomach cancer. He is pretty tired most of the time and is looking forward to when he can have some more solid food in the many small meals he has to eat throughout the day. He looked pretty darned good on the 29th when he and Karen were over in Seattle to get the stitches out. Ralph Waddle, King County, has to go in the next week or so and have his gall bladder removed. Linda Bejerano (Dave) Multnomah County, had a hip replacement this summer, and it has relieved a lot of the chronic pain she was suffering. Now if Dave can just keep up with her…. We, the Drakes, King County are finally into our new house after the old one burned in July of ’09. It is really nice, including the elevator and spiral stairs. We each have our own hobby room downstairs and are making a dent in the several hundred boxes of stuff that was stored after the fire. Lots to toss, but lots to clean and keep (at least I think we ought to keep it) Laurie is happy with the 7 or 8 spinning wheels we were able to save from the fire and I have gotten back into my R/C planes (lost 28 of them in the fire) … Cooking with gas and heating with a heat pump and gas furnace and enjoying playing with the parrots. We don’t anticipate using the RV for a while. From Tom Airhart, King County: A bit of an update on me. I had a “mild” stroke on September 12 after coming back from a short trip. I have a slight deficit in use of my right hand but that will clear up. I spent only 5 days in the rehab unit at Northwest Hospital because, as my rehab physician said, “I was motivated…” In six months I won’t even know I’ve had a stroke, I’m told. Joe Fitzgerald, King County,had a mild stroke a few weeks ago, but has been recovering nicely. September was not a good month for our association members. Robert Langdale, Yakima County, passed away in September in Ronan, MT. He was 83. Ed Loomer, King County passed away in September in Ocean Shores, WA. Jim Whitman, King County, passed away in September. He had 33 years on the job. Kevin Barnard, 30 year old son of Dave & Cheryl Barnard, King County passed away in September. This was just a day or two after Dave got out of the hospital from back surgery.
Bob and Shirley have cancelled their party in Yuma this year. But he wants everybody to know that they will be home for visits..Even without the party let everyone know that we are here at our home in the Foothills and still like to see anyone who is down here and hope they stop by when in the area. Bring their golf clubs an we will go over to the course across the street and hit a few.
Our membership has been decreasing but not by any significant way other than lack of participation. I am continually contacted by members that are unaware that their membership has lapsed. We all forget things (thankfully it’s not just age). So if you see a member make sure to talk about the W.S.R.D.S.P.O.A. Ask if they have been receiving the Hot Sheet. If not share the news with them and help them return to the association. It’s still $20 and we don’t charge for back years to where you lost your membership.REMEMBER!
Each LEOFF 1 retiree has medical benefits proscribed by law. They may be different than other retirees because of the rules of their individual board.. Knowing these rules or having them in print can assist members from making expensive decisions. Each LEOFF I member has a representative on the Disability Board. Usually they are available to help. You must understand how important these boards are and the way they work. They meet to approve or disapprove medical treatment for our retirees. Some boards require second opinions before surgeries other than emergencies. Other boards require approval before the purchase of hearing aids, dental work or other medical procedures. A disability board may have forms to be completed before submission for consideration. The local disability board is truly the key to using our medical benefits. If you are having a problem, contact an Association Executive. They will steer you in the right direction. Get to know who your Disability Board representative is, where and when the board meets, and the rules by which they are governed.W.S.R.D.S.P.O.A. ELECTION
We understand that there was confusion during the last election. Members on both sides of the State thought that they were to vote only for representatives on their side of Washington. WRONG! You get to vote for all the representatives and officers from both sides of the state. AND! Write-in votes are accepted. Don’t forget, your spouse gets to vote, too.
Please print out the ballot below and mail it to:
Clyde Ries 5829 S. Lacy Ln. Spokane, WA 99223
Please Vote before Nov 30, 2010
Mark your envelope “Ballot”MEMBER
Please vote for ALL CANDIDATES regardless of East or West Washington Candidate Positions
PRESIDENT ____Joe Dawson, King Co. S.O. Write-In Candidate ________________________________________ VICE-PRESIDENT, West ____Ralph Waddle, King Co. S.O. Write-In Candidate_________________________________________ VICE-PRESIDENT, East ____Don McCabe, Spokane Co. S.O. Write-in Candidate ________________________________________ SECRETARY ____Joyce Dawson, King Co. . Write-In Candidate__________________________________________ TREASURER ____Tina Waddle, King Co. Write-In Candidate___________________________________________ EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER, West ____Gerry Drake, King Co. S.O. Write-In Candidate________________ EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER, West ____Doug Partlow, Tukwila P.D. Write-In Candidate________________ EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER, East ____Mike Clements, Richland PD Write-In Candidate________________ EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER, East ____John McGregor, Spokane Co. S.O. Write-In Candidate________________
Mail to:Clyde Ries 5829 S. Lacy Ln. Spokane, WA 99223 — Please Vote before Nov 30, 2010
Mark Your Envelope “Ballot”
Please vote for ALL CANDIDATES regardless of East or West Washington Candidate Positions
PRESIDENT ____Joe Dawson, King Co. S.O. Write-In Candidate __________________________________________ VICE-PRESIDENT, West ____Ralph Waddle, King Co. S.O. Write-In Candidate___________________________________________ VICE-PRESIDENT, East ____Don McCabe, Spokane Co. S.O. Write-in Candidate __________________________________________ SECRETARY ____Joyce Dawson, King Co. . Write-In Candidate___________________________________________ TREASURER ____Tina Waddle, King Co. Write-In Candidate____________________________________________ EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER, West ____Gerry Drake, King Co. S.O. Write-In Candidate_________________ EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER, West ____Doug Partlow, Tukwila P.D. Write-In Candidate_________________ EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER, East ____Mike Clements, Richland PD Write-In Candidate_________________ EXECUTIVE BOARD MEMBER, East ____John McGregor, Spokane Co. S.O. Write-In Candidate_________________
Mail to:Clyde Ries 5829 S. Lacy Ln. Spokane, WA 99223 — Please Vote before Nov 30, 2010
Mark Your Envelope “Ballot”
mary wrote a new post 14 years, 9 months ago
Lake Mayfield Resort – 2010
There has been very little interest indicated this year in attending what has come to be the annual RVer’s gathering at Lake Mayfield Resort outside Mossyrock, WA. For those who are interested, some specifics have been obtained from the management as to prices and such.The basic price for the ‘old cops’ is $230/week for the RV stalls that are NON lake-view. This would be the ones in the area on the left as you come into the resort.
Moorage of boats has been negotiated to $115/week.
At this point, the only ones we know of who have made definitive plans to be there are the Storeys, for a week, beginning June 20th, and the Sandvolds, for a few days, starting June 21st. Make your own reservations.
To contact the resort call 360-985-2357 other than Tuesdays or Wednesdays.
e-mail is info@lakemayfield.com ……
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