
By-Laws September 2018






Section I.  The name of this association shall be the “Washington State Retired Deputy Sheriffs and Police Officers Association”.  Hereafter referred to as the “Association” or “WSRDSPOA”.



Section I.  Objectives.  To bring retired law enforcement officers together so that they may help each other and their families through social and educational means.  To avail ourselves to be of service to the communities of which we are a part.

Section II.  Purpose.  The purpose of the Association is to create and establish a fraternal and/or social organization.  We will seek to monitor existing pension laws, improve existing pension laws and to secure equitable and adequate pension benefits from the State of Washington as they pertain to police officers and deputy sheriffs, their widows, widowers, and beneficiaries.

Section III.  Obligations.  The association shall seek to promote the good and general welfare of all members who are bona fide members in good standing.

Section IV.  Responsibilities. The Association will seek to protect and preserve the just rights and privileges of all members through group representation.  This Association shall grant equal representation to all members.



Section I.  Any police officer or deputy sheriff, who was or is a full-time commissioned law enforcement officer covered by a Washington State law enforcement retirement system including their spouse, widow, and widower shall be eligible for regular membership.

Section II.  Definitions.

(A)  “Regular Member” means any police officer or deputy sheriff or their surviving spouse.

(1)  All “Regular Members” shall have the right to vote on any Association matter.

(B)  An “Associate Member” includes any law enforcement officer and/or spouse from any pension system other than as defined in Article III, Section I.

(1)  An “Associate Member” shall not have voting privileges unless specifically requested regarding a specific issue.

(2)  Applicants for Associate membership shall be approved by vote of the Executive Board.

(C)  An “Honorary Member” is any person, not a “Regular Member” or an “Associate Member”, who has demonstrated sincere friendship and dedication to the Association.

(1)  Applicants for Honorary Membership shall be approved by vote of the Executive Board.

(2)  “Honorary Members” shall not pay dues nor have voting privileges.

Section III.  Any person who has been convicted of any felony against the United States of America, any State, County or City, may be denied membership by a majority vote of the Executive Board at a scheduled meeting.

Section IV.  Local Support Group The Association will welcome any group of members who wish to develop a local organization who has a desire to support the Association, however, local organizations shall have their own independent charters, by-laws, dues structure, and shall have no affiliation with the

Association, which could result in any responsibility to the Association for their actions.



Section I. Dues Schedule

(A)  “Regular Members” shall pay annual dues of $30.00 per household.

(B)  “Associate Members” shall pay annual dues of $30.00 per household.

(C)  “Honorary Members” shall not be charged an annual dues fee.

(D)  All past Association Presidents and their spouses shall automatically be honored with a lifetime membership and shall not pay dues.

(E)  The spouse of an otherwise eligible law enforcement officer, as defined in Article III, Section I, killed in the line of duty shall be eligible for membership in the Association without the payment of dues.

Section II.  Conditions

(A)  Membership dues shall be payable on the first day of January of each year.

(B)  Any member who is two years delinquent in payment of dues shall be dropped from the membership roll and no longer will receive the Association newsletter UNLESS his/her circumstances warrant additional consideration.

(C)  Any prior member can reinstate with payment of the current year of dues.

(D)  All annual dues shall be sent to the association and recorded by the Treasurer.

(E)  Special financial assessments can be called for in case of a special need.  A meeting will be called to announce the need and to vote for a special assessment.  A quorum of ten “Active Regular Members” in good standing shall be required to validate a special meeting.  Notification to all members in writing shall be made ten (10) days prior to any special meeting stating its purpose before a special assessment can be validated.



Section I.  The elected officers of this Association shall consist of President, Vice President-West, Vice President-East, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President and Vice Presidents are to be actual LEOFF retirees.

(A)  The Term of office for all officers of the Association shall be for two (2) years.

Section II.  Duties and Obligations of Officers.

  • The President shall be the principal executive officer of the Association and as such shall have general charge and supervision of the business of the Association. He/She shall see that all orders and resolutions of the membership are carried out.  The President shall enforce all policy matters as set forth by the membership and shall be responsible for the administration thereof.  The President shall exercise full power and authority in the management, control, regulation and conduct of the association in its ordinary course of business.  The President shall sign in the name of the Association all instruments required to be signed by the Association in its ordinary course of business.  The President shall perform such other duties as may be assigned to him/her by the membership or by these by-laws.

(B)  Vice Presidents in the absence of the President or in the event of his/her inability to act or at the direction of the President shall perform the duties of President.  When so acting he/she shall have all the power granted to and be subject to all the restraints and restrictions imposed upon the President. Vice Presidents shall have other duties as determined by the President.  The title of Vice President East and West shall reflect the geographic area of responsibility of the titled Vice President.

The Vice President East shall be responsive to members located east of the Cascade Mountain crest.

The Vice President West shall be responsive to members located west of the Cascade Mountain crest.

The President shall designate which Vice President shall carry on the duties of President in his absence.  The remaining Vice President shall assume the responsibility in the event of an absence of the President’s designee.

(C)  The Secretary shall maintain a complete and accurate record of all proceedings of the Association.  The Secretary shall act as the recorder of all meetings and shall maintain the minutes thereof.  The Secretary shall maintain an inventory of all property owned, on loan, or leased.  The hysical location of each item should be listed as well as the custodian of the item

(D)  The Treasurer shall be bonded in the amount of twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000), or the amount deemed necessary by the membership. The fee for the Bond is to be paid by the Association.  The Treasurer shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of all the Association funds as set forth in these by-laws and shall maintain an accurate record thereof.  The dispersal of funds shall require a minimum of two signatures of any of the following officers:  President, Vice President East or West, Secretary, or Treasurer. Treasurer cannot co-sign with any member of the Executive Board with whom he/she is married or has a personal relationship.  The President and/or the Executive Board may authorize the Treasurer to disperse funds without a cosigner to accelerate the process on a single case by case occurrence”.  These instances are to be logged in the records.  However, if granted by the Executive Board only the signature of the Treasurer will be needed to pay routine accounts payable for the Association business.  No expenditure of funds in excess of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) will be allowed without a majority vote of the Executive Board.  The Treasurer can use his/her own discretion to transfer up to $4000.00 from the bank accounts of savings to checking. The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Association in such bank or banks as designated by The Executive Board.  The Treasurer shall maintain an accurate list of Membership, recording the date when each became or ceased to be a member.  The Treasurer shall be responsible for all notices being duly given in accordance with provisions of these By-laws.


Section I.  The President may appoint a Nomination Committee and/or receive nominations at the September and October meetings.  The Chairperson of the Nomination Committee, if used, shall be charged with the responsibility of selecting qualified members who are willing to serve as an officer of the Association.  Nomination for office may be written or oral with the consent of the President or Nomination Committee.  Nominations may be made from the floor or in written form and presented at either the September or October meeting.

Section II.  Elections:

The Officers shall be elected by a simple majority of the votes received from the Regular membership.  Ballots will be prepared and mailed / emailed to all Regular members in good standing in October.  Ballots will contain names of all members running for each office.  Ballots will contain voting instructions.  Ballots must be returned to the President and/or the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee by November 30th.  Ballots returned by mail shall be maintained in their sealed condition and presented to the President and/or the Chairperson of the Nomination Committee for tabulation by the first (1st) of December.  The election results shall be announced, and elected officers can be installed at the first meeting after the New Year. Newly elected officers shall assume their office effective January 1st of the year for which they were elected.  They shall fill the chairs at the first regularly Scheduled meeting after the New Year.


Section I.  Members Defined The Executive Board of the Association shall be composed of the President, Vice President East, Vice President West, Secretary, Treasurer, and four (4) “Members at Large”.

(A)  “Members at Large” shall be elected with two positionsW1, W2 from west of the Cascade Mountains Crest, and two positions E1, E2 from east of the Cascade Mountains Crest.  All board positions will be for a term of two years. Members at Large will be elected to serve based on their address within the State of Washington.

(B)  The President or his/her designee shall chair the Executive Board.



Section I.  General Meetings.  A minimum of ten General meetings shall be held each calendar year. General meetings shall be scheduled to accommodate members throughout the State of Washington.

Section II.  Executive Board.  Four Executive Board meetings shall be held each calendar year.  At the President’s discretion they may be held in person in conjunction with a local meeting at a convenient time for all participants.  Executive Board meetings may be held by telephone, letter, fax or any acceptable method of communications when necessary to conduct Association business.  Any member may attend Executive Board meetings.

Section III  Special Meetings A special meeting may be called by the President or a majority of the Executive Board, if deemed necessary.



Section I.  Order of Rules Roberts Rules of Order shall guide all official meetings unless a two thirds majority of the membership present at the said meeting votes to suspend said rules for that meeting only.  Official business conducted by the Executive Board shall be by a quorum of five present Executive Board members at all scheduled board meetings or special meeting.  Notice of meetings and locations shall be transmitted to each member in the Association Newsletter.

Section II.  Order of Business The Order of Business shall include the following:

Call to Order —- Do we have a Quorum?

Flag Salute

Introduction of Executive Board Members and Guest Speakers

Membership Introductions

Reading of the Minutes of the prior meeting

Treasurers Report


Standing Committee Reports

Special Committee Reports

Unfinished Business

New Business

Recommendations of the Executive Board

Good of the Order




Section I.  Appointments The President shall appoint chairpersons of all standing or special committees which may be deemed necessary for the good of the Association.

Section II.  Vacancies The President shall appoint all chairpersons with consultation with the chairperson, and appoint necessary persons to a committee when needed.

Section III.  Responsibilities The Executive Board, for recommendation of appropriate action shall review committee recommendations.

Section IV.  Standing Committees The Association shall have but not be limited  to the following committees:

Membership Committee

By-Laws Committee

Auditing Committee

Publication Committee

Nominating Committee

Legislative Committee

Convention Planning Committee



The Fiscal Year for the Association runs January 1st to December 31st or to accommodate directives and policies of the Internal Revenue Service.



An Auditing Committee will conduct annual audits in the month of January. The audits could   consist of, but be limited to, the following:

(A)  Verification that all disbursements have been necessary for adequate operation of the Association and have been properly approved and documented.

(B)  Verification that all cash receivable has been properly Recorded.

(C)  A statement of “finding” of the audit conducted per Article XII (A) shall be made in the Association newsletter following the audit.



These By-laws may be amended to reflect the governing or operation of the Association.  All proposed amendments and the changes shall be read at two (2) consecutive Association General Meetings on the East and West sides and be published in the Association newsletter prior to any vote being taken. A mail /email ballot will be sent to all current Regular members with a simple majority of the returned votes required to approve the changes.

These By-laws shall be in force and effective from the date of acceptance and shall render null and void any prior sections in conflict with such amendments.

Amending procedures outlined in Article XIII of these By-laws were followed.



Signed by President Joe Dawson September 15th, 2018 @ Kennewick, WA


Washington State Retired Deputy Sheriffs and Police Officers Association